Vladimirskaya church description and photo - Russia - South: Sochi

Vladimirskaya church description and photo - Russia - South: Sochi
Vladimirskaya church description and photo - Russia - South: Sochi
Vladimirskaya church
Vladimirskaya church

Description of the attraction

The Vladimir Church, located in the city of Sochi on Vinogradnaya Street, is a functioning Orthodox church and one of the city's attractions. The church, named in honor of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir, is located near the city hospital and sanatorium "Zapolyarye" on the top of Vinogradnaya Gora. The site for the construction of the church was chosen quite well. The church seemed to rise above the city, its domes can be seen from everywhere.

The construction of the temple began in the fall of 2005. Since its construction was carried out with voluntary donations from the Russians, the construction was somewhat delayed. The project of the temple building was developed under the leadership of S. Sokolov in the architectural workshop of the St. Danilov Monastery in Moscow.

Vladimirskaya Church is a beautiful one-domed church with a bell tower, completely built of monolithic concrete. The rich decoration of the temple gives the church building an eclectic character and pleases the eye. The church is located in a fenced-in area. Lanterns, comfortable benches, potted flowers and flower beds were installed in the park near the temple.

On July 28, 2010, a festive liturgy was served in the Vladimir Church in memory of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir. After the liturgy, a solemn consecration of the temple took place.

