Description of the attraction
The city gate is a majestic and beautiful structure that welcomes all guests of the city of Lomonosov. The arch of the city gates is made in a strict classical style.
In 1762, according to the project of P. Yu. Paton, the first city gates were erected in Oranienbaum. They represented a central arch with low wings attached to it. The gate stood at the entrance to the palace settlement from the side of St. Petersburg. After the Patriotic War of 1812, active, well-planned construction began in Oranienbaum under the leadership of the architect V. P. Stasov. The city expanded, and the first city gates were now within the city limits.
In 1826-1829. at the beginning of the reign of Nicholas I, the old city gates in Oranienbaum were dismantled and the construction of new ones began. The author of the project of this gate was the architect Alexei Maksimovich Gornostaev, who was just beginning his creative career at that time. He worked in the classical style. Subsequently, Goronostaev gained fame as the author of projects of churches made in the Russian-Byzantine style, namely, the Church of St. Sergius of Radonezh in the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage (Strelna), the Assumption Orthodox Cathedral in Helsinki, the Nikolsky Skete on Valaam. At the cemetery of the Trinity-Sergius Hermitage, the grave of the architect has been preserved, on which there is a large stone cross of an ancient form with the image of the architect's creations.
The city gate of Oranienbaum was created by the architect as a triumphal monument of military glory, and it was dedicated to the victory of the Russian troops in the Patriotic War of 1812. Further work on the construction of the gate was continued by the famous architect, author of many buildings in Peterhof, Joseph Ivanovich Charlemagne.
The project of the Oranienbaum Gate provided for two guard rooms of two floors, which were connected by an arch with semicircular windows in the second tier. In the 30s. 20th century the guard rooms were turned into a garage, and later passages were made, which are still remembered by the inhabitants of Lomonosov.
During the Great Patriotic War, defensive fortifications were created everywhere in Oranienbaum. Rows of concrete anti-tank pillars blocked the road from Peterhof to Oranienbaum. A similar barrage line ran at the City Gate. To this day, four nadolba have survived from it in memory of the times of the heroic defense of the Oranienbaum bridgehead.
In 1998, work began on the restoration of the gate. The restoration project was developed in strict accordance with the architect's original design. To recreate the historical environment, the designers proposed to build a wooden striped guardhouse, to install a barrier and a rack for rifles, which were characteristic of the first half of the 19th century. In the inner premises of the city gates, it was planned to place an exposition on the history of the city during the war of 1812. Work was carried out on the walls, foundations, ceilings, roofs, guard rooms were restored according to the lines of the brickwork found during the restoration, passageways were laid. It was also supposed to install massive oak doors, also designed according to the author's drawings.
Old photographs at the top of the gate were used to restore the original pattern of relief inserts with images of military fittings - a symbol of victory. Despite the work carried out in connection with the need to reduce the cost, completed in the 50s were installed. 20th century reliefs that only approximately resemble the real ones, but do not reproduce them accurately.
Among other things, the restoration project also involved the restoration of the Oranien6aum coat of arms over the gate from the entrance from St. Petersburg, which was exactly done, and from the side of the city of Lomonosov, on the western facade, the restoration of the icon of the Mother of God, which protected Oranienbaum. Instead of the Mother of God, a lion mask was installed - a standard decorative element.
The restoration of the interior was never completed. It is necessary to complete them in order to further adequately use the monument as a museum of the city's military glory.
The city gate of Oranienbaum is a federal cultural heritage site.