Charminar gate description and photos - India: Hyderabad

Charminar gate description and photos - India: Hyderabad
Charminar gate description and photos - India: Hyderabad
Charminar Gate
Charminar Gate

Description of the attraction

In 1591, on the territory of the present Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, in the city of Hyderabad, a mosque was built, which was named Charminar. The words "char minar" (char minar) from the Urdu language translates as "four towers", or it was also called the Mosque of the Four Minarets. It was erected by order of the ruler of Golconda, Sultan Mohammed Quli Qudb Shah. This building became a kind of gratitude to Allah for stopping the spread of the plague, and was erected on the very place where the Sultan prayed to God and asked to send salvation to his people.

Charminar is a typical example of Muslim architecture and is a quadrangular building made of granite, limestone and marble, with carved minaret towers at the corners, the height of which is more than 48 meters. Each tower has 149 steps, along which you can climb to the observation deck, which was organized on the upper level of the monument. Also on the open roof of Charminar, on the west side, there is a mosque for those wishing to pray - there is a place for 45 worshipers. In total, the building is divided into 4 levels, each of which performs its own specific role. On each side of the mosque, there are 11-meter-high gates decorated with carvings, over which a clock was installed back in 1889.

Charminar is a very popular place not only among tourists, but also among the local population. This is a kind of trade center of Hyderabad, around the gates there are shops, stalls and stalls, as well as the famous Laad Bazar, or Chodi Bazar, a long-lived market where you can buy almost everything: national food, fabrics, saris, jewelry, including gold, trimmed pearls and semi-precious stones, incense and perfume. It is noteworthy that all of these products are exclusively of Indian origin.

