Golden Gate description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev

Golden Gate description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Golden Gate description and photo - Ukraine: Kiev
Golden Gate
Golden Gate

Description of the attraction

The majestic and inaccessible Golden Gate of Kiev is an architectural monument of the XI century, one of the main fortifications of the city.

Construction history

The first mention of the construction of the gate - 1037, "The Tale of Bygone Years". The construction of the gate within one year raises reasonable doubts, since Nestor describes the construction of a number of other monumental structures in the same year. There were about 30 thousand residents of Kiev during this period, and there simply would not be enough workers for all the current construction projects. According to the manuscript "Word about the Law and Grace" by Hilarion, in the interval 1019-1037. a church was erected over the Great Gate under Prince Yaroslav, after which they began to be called Golden. This construction period looks more credible.

According to the decree of Yaroslav the Wise, the city was surrounded by rather high (up to 12 m) and wide (up to 27 m) ramparts of hewn logs covered with soil, with a total length of about 3.5 km. The second line of fortification was a ditch. Powerful fortifications were at three entrance gates of the city - Lvov, Lyadsky and the main - Zolotye.

The architecture of the front Golden Gate differed from everything that had been built earlier, their role was not only a checkpoint, they served as a ceremonial, festive entrance to the city. The Church of the Annunciation with shining golden domes towered above the gate tower, and the passage from the gate headed straight to the ensemble of the Hagia Sophia.

The main material for the construction of the fortification was flat fired brick, laid on a solution of slaked lime and stone chips with a sandy admixture. This led to the centuries-old strength and stability of the fortification. Despite numerous attacks, the Golden Gate is very strong, although it suffered during the destruction of the city in 1240 by the army of Batu.

Decline and destruction


For several hundred years, the Golden Gate performed its main function, but in 1594 it was destroyed. According to Erich Lasota, these were majestic ruins, by which one could still judge the power of the former fortification, and they were still the gate. Their condition is clearly visible in the sketches of the artist from Holland Abraham van Westerfeld, who accompanied the Lithuanian hetman Janusz Radziwill on his campaigns. Westerfeld recorded the ruins of the Church of the Annunciation, the ruins of the fortress walls and the remains of the entrance structures.

The architect Debosket in the 18th century submitted a report on the complete emergency condition of the gate, and according to his plan, they were finally covered with a huge layer of earth along with the remains of the gate church in 1755-1766.

And in 1832, while carrying out excavations in the Yaroslavov Val area, Kondraty Lokhvitsky discovered the remains of walls 13.25 meters long. The find reached a height of 8 m. The vaults and crypts did not survive. Attempts were made to preserve the gate - by erecting a fence around it, strengthening the cracks with lime, plating and adding new masonry in some places and strengthening the walls. But precipitation and time continued to be destructive.

Reconstruction of the Golden Gate


Only in 1972 it was decided to restore the Golden Gate in the form as close as possible to the original. The basis was the plans-drawings of the Vladimir von Berk's gates of 1779, built on the principle of the Kiev ones.

The architect Lopushinskaya developed a project that allowed preserving the ancient ruins by strengthening them and adding to the upper part. The one-bath gate church with three naves was also restored. Elements of the floor drawing of an ancient temple from the Sofia Architectural Reserve became a model for the reconstruction of mosaic floors.

Now there is a museum here. Guests are invited to inspect the remains of two beams preserved from the original structure, traces of sun loungers are also visible and the masonry of the outer part of the driveway arches has survived.

On a note

  • Location: Vladimirskaya, 40-a, Kiev.
  • The nearest metro station is "Golden Gate".
  • Website:
  • Opening Hours: The museum is open daily, except Mondays. Wednesday - Sunday 10.00-18.00, Tuesday 10.00-17.00.
  • Tickets: for adults - UAH 60, for children - UAH 30.


| All reviews 5 Dmitry 2021-19-01 17:15:26

We invite everyone We invite everyone to visit our museum.

The only thing to consider is that the cost of entry for adults is now from 60 hryvnia

We also ask you to visit the news page when planning your visit to the museum (unfortunately, recently we have been working in connection with …

