A small South American state, invisible between its large neighbors - Argentina and Brazil and washed by the Atlantic Ocean, can hardly be called a popular destination for Russian tourists. The name of Uruguay, translated from the Guarani Indians' language, means “river of colorful birds”. The country is worthy of the attention of fans of colonial architecture, examples of which are widely represented in the capital. Interested in what to see in Uruguay besides Montevideo? Travel to Colonia del Sacramento in the southwest of the country. The historic center of the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
TOP 15 sights of Uruguay
Colonia del Sacramento historic quarter

The oldest town in Uruguay, Colonia del Sacramento was founded in 1680 by the Portuguese. The Spaniards could not come to terms with the appearance of other colonizers on the opposite bank of the La Plata and captured the city in the same year. The colony passed from hand to hand several times, and all the historical vicissitudes for the right to own the city could not but affect its architecture.
Today, UNESCO protects narrow cobblestone streets and colorful one-story houses that are closely adjacent to each other - a typical old quarter of a Latin American city. In the old part of Colonia del Sacramento, you can observe the usual life of the townspeople, take colorful photos and drink coffee in one of the street cafes.
El Faro lighthouse
Mankind has not yet learned how to control the sea, despite high technologies, and therefore the lighthouse in Colonia del Sacramento, first built on the Atlantic coast in the 17th century, continues to show the way to ships arriving at the city port.
For only half a dollar, you can view Uruguay and the ocean from the observation decks of the lighthouse. A spiral staircase leads upstairs, and you can climb to the middle of the snow-white tower, and to the very top.
Basilica del Sanctísimo Sacramento
The Church of Santissima Sacramento in Colonia is one of the oldest temples in the country. The first basilica on this site was built in 1690, but did not last long. In 1808, the Portuguese, who owned these territories at that time, erected a new temple.
The structure is made of white stone. Its façade is adorned with two symmetrical towers with observation decks, where you can climb to look at the city and its surroundings. The interiors of the basilica look very modest and the only decoration is a golden sculpture in the altar niche.
Old town of Montevideo
The capital of the country was founded in the last third of the 17th century by the Portuguese, who built a fortress on the shores of the bay. For a long time, the fort served smugglers, until the Spaniards, who took the territory, established another fortification base on the opposite side of the La Plata.
The old town today is the main square of Montevideo, a cathedral built in the best traditions of classicism with baroque elements, and numerous colonial-style houses, a characteristic feature of which are large courtyards.
Fortaleza del Cerro
The fort dominates over the old city, which appeared on a high hill in Montevideo at the beginning of the 19th century. The project was developed by the renowned fortification engineer Jose dal Pozo. The fortress more than once participated in military campaigns that were undertaken between the Spanish and Portuguese colonialists. Fortaleza del Cerro became the last Spanish fortress in Uruguay.
In 1931, the fort was named a national monument and a military museum was opened in it, where you can look at the Spanish and Portuguese weapons of the 18th-20th centuries, army ammunition, old maps and uniforms of soldiers who took part in the campaigns of conquest.
Parliament of Uruguay
In the capital, you can see another architectural monument in which the legislative assembly of the country sits today. The construction of marble and granite appeared in the city in the first third of the last century. The palace was built by the Italian architect Vittorio Meano, who was the author of the idea for a similar mansion in Buenos Aires.
The roof of the parliament is decorated with two symmetrical granite domes, and almost thirty varieties of marble of different shades were used for the decoration of the walls inside and outside.
The sculptural groups of Jose Belloni are worthy of special attention. The artist created bas-reliefs depicting both moments of the true history of Uruguay and allegorical characters.
Today, the Uruguayan Parliament building is listed as a National Historic Landmark.
National Museum of Fine Arts
The Art Museum of the capital was founded in 1911, and since then its collection has collected many real masterpieces of painting and graphics - about 6,000 items. Five exhibition halls display paintings by Francisco Goya, Pablo Picasso, Paul Klee, Juan Manuel Blanes and internationally renowned local painters such as Raphael Barradas, Joaquin Torres Garcia and Jose Cuneo.
Museum them. Juan Manuel Blanes
Another art gallery in Montevideo specializes in art history in Uruguay. The museum, founded in 1930, displays the works of the artist after whom the exhibition is named, as well as paintings by his colleague and contemporary Pedro Figari.
Among the exhibits belonging to the brush of artists with world-famous names, you will find masterpieces of Europeans. The halls of the museum exhibit paintings by Goya, Honore Daumier, Paul Gauguin, Albrecht Durer, Picasso and Rembrandt.
Solis Theater
The Solis Metropolitan Theater is the oldest in the country and in the entire Western Hemisphere. It was opened in 1865, and the first production on its stage was the opera "Ernani" by the immortal D. Verdi.
The Solis building was designed and built by the French master Victor Rabu. In the architecture of the theater, neoclassical features are clearly traced: in the austere portico above the main facade, and in the capitals of the columns, and in the decoration of the interior.
The theater got its name in honor of the Spanish discoverer Juan del Solis, whose expedition was one of the first to land on the shores of La Plata Bay.
Palacio piria
Another outstanding architectural monument of the Uruguayan capital, the Palacio Piria today serves as the seat of the country's Supreme Court. Its construction began in 1916. The architect Camille Gardell, who designed the palace, was originally commissioned to build a private residence for Francisco Piria, who in those years was not only a businessman, but also an outstanding politician in Uruguay. In the 40s. of the last century, the mansion served as the residence of the president of the country, and a decade later the court moved there.
The Piria Palace is an outstanding example of the architectural style called eclecticism today. Its main feature is the use of several architectural and artistic techniques in one building. In the building of the palace, you can easily guess the features of Baroque, Classicism, Rococo and even Empire style.
Palacio Salva
Residents of Montevideo, answering the question of what to see in Uruguay, will be named among the first and Palacio Salvo. This palace is often called the symbol of the capital, especially since its tower dominates the entire architectural composition of the old center.
The skyscraper was built in the first third of the 20th century. commissioned by the Salvo brothers. The businessmen planned to open a business center there. For a long time, the Palacio Salva was one of the tallest structures in South America. The height of the building reaches 105 m with a spire.
The architectural style in which the project was developed can be called the same eclecticism. The skyscraper reveals the features of art deco, neoclassicism and even neo-gothic. As conceived by the author of the project, Mario Palanti, the skyscraper symbolizes the "Divine Comedy". In full accordance with Dante's work, the lower floors are reminiscent of the existence of hell, and the high tower embodies dreams of heaven. On the facades, many decorative sculptural elements have survived, recreating excerpts from Dante's work.
Mausoleum of Artigas
Jose Hervasio Artigas is one of the prominent political figures of Uruguay, who led in the 19th century. a local liberation movement whose members fought for independence from Portuguese and Spanish colonization.
In 1977, the hero's remains were solemnly buried in the mausoleum on Independence Square in Montevideo. Today Mausoleo de Artigas is one of the most significant sights for local residents in Uruguay. During an excursion to the mausoleum, you will be able to watch the changing of the guard of honor - a vivid and memorable ceremony.
Access to the hall where the urn with the hero's ashes is located is open on weekends.
Mercado del Puerto
The capital's indoor market Mercado del Puerto is an ideal place not only for shopping, but also for exploring the local flavor. Look at the artisans of Uruguay, buy authentic souvenirs, as they say, first-hand, taste South American cuisine in numerous street restaurants - a great plan for a few hours of stay in Montevideo.
Azulejo Museum
The private collection of the architect Artusio, collected by him for 40 years and donated to Montevideo, includes about 5,000 samples of tiles and other products made in the Portuguese Azulejo technique. The exhibition features art nouveau and art deco ceramics, tiles from Seville, Neapolitan ceramic masterpieces, tiles from Delphi, glazed tiles from France, and many more magnificent pieces by pottery artists.
Hand of Punta del Este
The oceanfront monument in the eponymous resort of Uruguay is famous among tourists vacationing on local beaches. Its author is Mario Irarrazabal, who took part in an outdoor sculpture competition in the 1980s. last century.
Being the youngest among the participants of the competition, Mario could only get a place on the beach for the implementation of his project. Then he came up with a sculpture in the form of a hand. Her fingers protrude over the edge of the sand and warn swimmers that the ocean is a challenge for the inexperienced swimmer.
As a result, the rest of the works from the competition disappeared long ago, and the hand of Irarrasabal became a tourist attraction in Uruguay.