What to see in Brno

What to see in Brno
What to see in Brno
photo: Brno
photo: Brno

Miniature Brno is not inferior in popularity to Prague, as the city is considered the second most important in the Czech Republic. Thousands of tourists from different countries come here every year to see the historical sights with their own eyes. You can see both modern and ancient cultural heritage sites in Brno.

Holiday season in Brno

You can enjoy walks around the city at any time of the year. However, it is better to do this in the summer months, when the air temperature warms up to + 25-27 degrees. As for winter, it is best to go to Brno in early December. Firstly, you can participate in numerous sales, go to Christmas markets and visit famous places. Secondly, the weather in December is quite comfortable for tourists and is -2-4 degrees.

In autumn, the city turns into an amazing park with an abundance of colorful trees. Temperatures in September, October and November vary from +5 to +18 degrees. It is also pleasant to relax in Brno in the spring, especially at the end of May. The air is already well warmed up and filled with the scent of flowers.

TOP 15 places of interest in Brno

Castle complex Špilberk

Castle complex Špilberk
Castle complex Špilberk

Castle complex Špilberk

The building is considered the hallmark of the city and was erected in the XIII century. For several centuries, the castle housed the official residence of kings and counts. This is evidenced by the Gothic style and the solemn decoration of the interior.

During the period of the Austrian monarchy, the castle began to be reconstructed into a prison where especially dangerous criminals were kept. The main building gradually lost its Gothic features and outwardly began to look in accordance with the canons of the Baroque style.

Today, the castle houses a museum, where excursions are conducted, including a story about the life of prisoners, inspection of cells and exhibits.

Freedom Square

Freedom Square

The oldest and largest square in Brno is located in the central part of the city. It was built in the 13th century. Since the 19th century, wealthy townspeople have built their own neo-Renaissance mansions. Some of them have survived to this day and harmoniously fit into the look of a modern city.

Until 1869, the church of St. Mikulas could be seen in the square, which was demolished, and the graves of two priests were found under its foundation. Later, several underground tunnels were found under the square, connecting different parts of the city.

Old town hall

Old town hall
Old town hall

Old town hall

The town hall was founded in 1240. The building was designed in the traditional Gothic style and embodies an example of laconicism. Until 1935, the external facade of the building was changed and supplemented with baroque elements. From the 14th to the 20th century, the town hall held meetings of the city council.

Currently, the town hall houses the main cultural center of the city, whose activities are aimed at preserving the customs of the Czech Republic. At the entrance, tourists are greeted by Brno residents, dressed in national costumes, and exhibitions, master classes and other events are regularly held inside.

Museum of technology

Museum of technology

Purkineva Street in Brno is famous for the fact that in 1936 a museum of technological achievements of mankind was opened on it. The exposition includes more than 3000 exhibits reflecting different epochs in the development of technology. Among them: mechanical instruments, documents documenting important discoveries in the field of engineering, antique vehicles, a collection of local crafts, etc. The pride of the museum is a rich library containing a significant number of books in various fields of science.

Capuchin monastery

Capuchin monastery
Capuchin monastery

Capuchin monastery

At the beginning of the 17th century, the Capuchins appeared in Brno, who built a monastery in the area of the Cabbage Market in 1653. Later the building was destroyed during the Thirty Years War and a church was built in its place. However, in the 18th century, the monastery was restored on the initiative of the architects Grimmovs.

Since 1982, the shrine has been open to the public. Particularly noteworthy are the tombs of the monks, whose bodies have been preserved in a mummified form. This type of burial was common among the representatives of the Capuchin order.

Nicolaus Copernicus Planetarium and Observatory

The largest research center in Europe is located in the central part of Brno, where both children and adults are happy to come. The purpose of the staff of the complex is to popularize space discoveries and acquaint visitors with the mysterious worlds of the universe.

The vast grounds provide ideal conditions for excursions and observing the starry sky with a modern telescope. If you wish, you can buy souvenirs and dine in the food court area.

Museum of gypsy culture

Museum of gypsy culture

A very new and interesting museum, founded in 2003, was created with state financial support and also thanks to private donations. For many years, Brno has been home to a diaspora of Moravian Roma, distinguished by their colorful culture and traditions.

The museum has a collection of exhibits demonstrating everyday life, types of dwellings, crafts and economic activities of the Roma. A library is located in the hall on the second floor, where books, important documents and letters were brought from different parts of the Czech Republic.

Magen Theater

Magen Theater
Magen Theater

Magen Theater

In 1882, a building was erected in Brno, which is not inferior in external decoration to the best theaters in the Czech Republic. The building was designed by Austrian architects F. Fellner and G. Gellner, who understood the neo-baroque and neo-Renaissance styles to the smallest detail. In addition to the graceful elements of the external facade, the central hall of the theater was electrified, which was considered a luxury.

The theater's repertoire consists of performances based on classical works. Each season of the audience, the poster is updated with new performances, in which the artists of the city's national troupe play mainly.

Moravian Gallery

The attraction is distinguished by the fact that its exhibits are housed in three buildings: the Prazhakov Palace, the Governor's Palace and the Museum of Applied Arts. The gallery was founded in 1961 and is famous for its widest collection.

Exhibits on the subject of fine art are located in the Governor's Palace. Gothic paintings by Flemish, Dutch and Italian painters, wood compositions, sculptures - all this can be seen with your own eyes by visiting the gallery. Other buildings host thematic exhibitions.

Villa Tugendhat

Villa Tugendhat

In a suburb on a small hill in 1928, the eminent German architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe brought to life a unique project. Vila was built for personal living, so the smallest details were taken into account in the design process.

Since 2001, the building has become part of the UNESCO heritage due to the fact that the architect was able to implement the ideas of functionalism in construction, which was an innovation for that time. A metal base was used as a frame, allowing the construction of walls from natural materials.

Church of St. James

Church of St. James
Church of St. James

Church of St. James

The central part of Jacob's Square is occupied by a church built in the 13th century in the Gothic style. Later, the main building was supplemented with a high tower with a dome. The building rises to 93 meters and is considered one of the highest cultural monuments in Brno. At the beginning of the 19th century, a large crypt was discovered in the church, consisting of the burials of local residents in the amount of more than 50 thousand people.

In 1995, the landmark was assigned the status of a national monument of the Czech Republic. Today the church is protected by the state and occupies a worthy place among the important cultural sites of the country.

Moravian Karst

It belongs to nature reserves and is located 28 kilometers from Brno. On an area of 120 square kilometers, there are 1150 natural caves. However, only five of them are open to the public. This is due to the lack of knowledge of the area and the possible danger for tourists.

The most visited place in the reserve is Macocha Abyss. For excursions, stairs and a cable car were made inside the cave. Visitors are offered an excursion dedicated to acquaintance with the ancient rock formations and underground lakes.

Veveří castle

Veveří Castle

Every year, travelers strive to get to the Brno reservoir area (17 km from Brno), where the largest castle in the country is located. The impressive building was built on the initiative of Konrad I of Brno for hunting. Later the castle turned into a defensive structure and the administrative center of the lands adjacent to the city.

During its long history, the castle was destroyed more than once, and during the Second World War it was completely destroyed. The restoration took about 4 years, after which Veveří became the center of cultural and social events in the Czech Republic.

Mound of the world

Mound of the world
Mound of the world

Mound of the world

Not far from Brno is Austerlitz (now Slakov), where history buffs come. The memorial complex was built in 1911 to commemorate one of the bloodiest battles of Austerlitz. As conceived by the authors of the project, the monument was to perpetuate the memory of the soldiers who died in a fierce battle.

The key part of the composition is a high mound set on a hill. Inside there is a chapel and a crypt with buried remains. The facade of the mound is decorated with monuments, each of which symbolizes a country participating in the battle.

Park "Luzhanki"

This place is ideal for those who want to take a break from the bustle of the city. Convenient location (city center) and developed infrastructure are the advantages of the park. In the 16th century, the park was fully owned by the Order of St. Ignatius. During this period, the park was landscaped and about 20 species of trees and shrubs were planted in it.

After the abolition of the monastic order "Luzhanka" it was empty for a long time, and in 1788 it began to receive its first visitors. Modern Czechs are happy to come here to take a walk, play with children or just enjoy the silence.

Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul

Cathedral of Sts. Peter and Paul

It is impossible not to mention the main temple of Brno. The Catholic Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul rises above the city on Petrov Hill. It can be clearly seen from the adjacent streets and from the former market square, which is now called Zelni.

The cathedral was built on the site of a Romanesque basilica that was demolished in the 11th century. Naturally, not a single temple will stand without repair for about 8 centuries. Throughout the existence of the cathedral, it was rebuilt, repaired, destroyed and re-erected more than once. It got its modern look at the beginning of the last century, when its facade was decorated in a neo-Gothic style. At the same time, two towers were completed, flying up to the sky. Their height is 84 meters, they visually lengthen the temple, making it more austere and majestic.

