What to see in Sanya

What to see in Sanya
What to see in Sanya

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photo: What to see in Sanya
photo: What to see in Sanya

The tropical resort in the south of Hainan Island is China's most popular beach destination for overseas tourists. Our compatriots also do not bypass the clean and comfortable beaches of the island, buying thousands of tours to Hainan every year. Unlike the mainland of the Middle Kingdom, there are no ancient architectural landmarks in the resort, but guests of Hainan always find something to see. In Sanya and its environs there are many recreation parks and reserves where you can enjoy your time.

The climate in the south of Hainan allows you to come to rest in Sanya throughout the year, but the most favorable months for sightseeing trips are spring and late autumn.

TOP 10 attractions in Sanya

Nanshan Temple


An hour's drive from the resort is the Nanshan temple complex, the construction of which began in the 80s. last century. The largest Buddhist sanctuary in the Middle Kingdom, erected during the era of the PRC, occupies about 40 thousand square meters. m. The complex was erected in honor of the fact that Chinese Buddhism has existed for two thousand years. Well, and to attract tourists to Sanya, of course.

On the territory of the Nanshan Temple, you can see several interesting buildings and sculptural images:

  • Replicas of the Tang Dynasty era structures are decorated with Buddha statues. Seven of them are installed in the Doshuai auditorium, in the center of which is the Buddha of the World to Come.
  • Jing Tang is a ceremonial hall that also copies the original construction of the 7th-9th centuries.
  • A jade statue of Guanyin, plated with gold and diamonds from South African mines. In total, the finishing took about a centner of gold and 120 carats of precious stones.

The beautiful views of the South China Sea from the observation terrace are another attraction of the Nanshan Temple complex. From the terrace you can also see the main man-made landmark of Sanya - the giant sculpture of Guanyin of the South Sea.

Guanyin statue of the South Sea

In Eastern mythology, Guanyin is a fabulous deity who saves humanity from disasters and problems. Speaking most often in a female guise, it helps with difficult childbirth, protects children, brings harmony and peace to the house.

The statue of the merciful bodhisattva Avalokiteshvaru or Guanyin was built in the Nanshan temple complex on the seashore and inaugurated in 2005. The sculpture became the fourth tallest on the planet. Together with the pedestal, its height is 135 m. Guanyin was created for six whole years.

The Hainan deity has three faces. They face the mainland and the sea and symbolize Guanyin's mission to bring peace and protection. The hands of the statue hold the sutra, lotus and greet others.

On the territory of the complex you can ride a special trolleybus or go around all its attractions on foot.

To get there: by bus from the Sanya bus station.

Ticket price: 20 euros.

Taoist Park Heavenly Grottoes

Founded at the end of the XII century. Taoist Park Heavenly Grottos guides call the most ancient attraction of the island of Hainan. It consists of several zones, each of which is interesting in its own way:

  • Chinese Taoism originated in the Celestial grottoes.
  • It is not for nothing that the southern mountain is called the mountain of longevity. It is covered with dracaena forests and the number of negatively charged ions in the air here is greater than anywhere else in the Celestial Empire. Some trees have been growing on South Mountain for about six thousand years!
  • In the Temple of the Dragon King, there is a statue of a deity bringing good luck. His holiday occurs on the second lunar day of the last winter month.
  • The wall of records on the South Mountain contains a statue of the god of writing.
  • Miracles of the sea is an observation deck from where magnificent landscapes open up.

The Sanya Natural History Museum is located in the Taoist park. In the halls one can see archaeological finds concerning the origin and evolution of life on earth. Fossils, remains of dinosaurs, tools of labor of ancient people and other priceless rarities are displayed on the stands.

To get there: buses from the Summer Department Store in the morning every day.

Ticket price: 17 euros.

End of the World Park

The beach with white sand and huge boulders to the west of Sanya is called romantically and in a typical Chinese style Tianya-Haijao, or in Russian - "the farthest point of the sky and the sea." Each stone on the beach has its own legend, gladly told by local guides.

The most famous stone, as the name suggests, supports the southern side of the firmament. Previously, he was a beautiful girl who, together with her sister, turned into a huge boulder to protect local fishermen from the storm. The God of Thunder, who did not support the altruists, separated the sisters, leaving one on the shore and throwing the other into the sea.

If you are interested in versions of the origin of the remaining boulders, go to Tianya Haijao. You will love it there, even if you are just a romantic or a photo artist. For lovers of shopping and entertainment, a shopping center, a sea zoo, an ethnic village have been built at the End of the World, and shows with trained animals are held.

Find: 20 km west of the resort.

Ticket price: 12 euros.

Sunset rock

A huge stone that looks like a statue of Buddha in the southwest of Hainan Island is called the Sunset Rock. Standing on it, you can see almost the entire coastline in the Sanya area and admire the endless panorama of the South China Sea. Some people think that Sunset Rock resembles a giant turtle crawling into the water. Landscapes become especially beautiful at sunset, when the sun setting behind the horizon paints the stone in warm colors.

Recommended for photographers, artists and contemplators. Ideal for sunset yoga.

Monkey island


Monkeys of the genus macaques in China are protected by the state. For this, a natural tropical reserve was created near Sanya. Nanwan Island, home to the ubiquitous monkeys, generates a good income, being a popular attraction in Sanya and all of Hainan.

You can get to the island by cable car, which is very famous. This is the longest cable car in the world, laid over the ocean. You have to overcome 2138 m, being suspended above the water.

The decree on the establishment of the reserve was signed in 1965. Since then, the population of macaques has increased significantly and today about two thousand four-armed monkeys are greeted by visitors to the island of monkeys.

The list of activities in the reserve also includes rafting, lunch at a seafood restaurant on the menu and fishing.

Prices: entrance ticket - 9 euros, for the cable car in both directions - 8 euros.

Pirate island

Oddly enough, there are no pirates on the island of the same name and, it seems, never were, but there are more than enough sights and natural beauties! On a small piece of land with an area of only 1.5 square meters. km you will see representatives of 2,700 species of local flora, and in its waters - hundreds of species of marine life.

You can take a walk around the Pirate Island with great pleasure. The coastal hills are interspersed with white sand beaches, and the names of places created by nature are amazing. You will find Sunrise Rock and the Well of Life, Lovers' Bridge and the Golden Turtle Strip on Pirate Island.

For the pragmatist, there are seafood restaurants, a spa, an outlet and a diving base on the beach.

To get there: by ferry from 7.40 to 18 every 20 minutes.

Ethnic park

The betel nut palm trees for the people of Hainan are like a birch tree for the Russian. A whole ethnopark in the vicinity of Sanya is even dedicated to them and the small peoples "Li" and "Miao". You can look at the trees that the inhabitants of the southern part of the Celestial Empire associate with beautiful girls (again, an analogy with birches) and get acquainted with the customs of the islanders in the Betel-Nat ethnic park.

Tourists are entertained by folk music ensembles in national clothes, dancers and fire eaters, local gatherers and fishermen. Guests are given the opportunity to participate in a theatrical wedding ceremony, buy handmade souvenirs and chew the very betel nut, which not only stains teeth blood red, but also clarifies thoughts. However, let us leave the last statement on the conscience of the small peoples of South China.

Ticket price: 22 euros.

Luhuitou Park

The Deer Looking Back Park is located on a hilltop a few kilometers south of Sanya. Legend has it that a young hunter who chased a deer for nine days was never able to return with his prey. At the last moment, the deer looked around and turned, as it should be, into a beauty. The hunt ended with a romantic relationship and a wedding, and the couple built a house on the top of the hill, giving rise to an entire settlement. All this is confirmed by a sculpture depicting all the participants in the legend and installed on the top of a 280-meter mountain.

Flowers grow on the slopes of the hill, forming a kind of red waterfall. Nearby, lovers tie ribbons to an old tree as a sign of eternal love. Another attraction of Luhuitou Park is the pavilion, from where it is good to listen to the tide.

To get there: bus. N2 and 4 from the center of Sanya.

Ticket price - entrance and funicular: 17 euros.

Yanoda Rainforest Cultural Tourism Zone

Another natural park has been created for tourists 35 km from Sanya, where a section of real tropical rain forests has been preserved. Despite the name, the park is quite suitable for walking and is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable and safe visit.

Wooden paths are laid among trees, which are more than one century old. The paths go around picturesque cliffs overgrown with bushes. At the top of one of them there is a landscape park with a lake overgrown with lotus. At the time of its flowering, it is especially picturesque and crowded here.

Visitors are offered their services in a vegetarian restaurant, in the menu of which you will find dozens of different dishes from vegetables and local exotic fruits.

Ticket price: 22 euros.

