Cambodia is a kingdom located in southeast Asia. For foreign tourists, traveling to this country causes conflicting impressions, as Cambodia has everything from poor neighborhoods to luxury hotels along the sea coast. If you know the basic information about interesting places in the kingdom, you can always plan your trip yourself and decide in advance what to see.
TOP sights of Cambodia
The oldest culture, which combines traces of different eras, is reflected in the architectural appearance of the country. So, in Cambodia there is a significant number of structures erected several centuries ago and included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. Moreover, each cultural site is carefully guarded by local authorities due to the fact that it is of key importance not only for the history of the kingdom, but also for the development of the tourism sector. Landmarks of Cambodia are divided into the following types:
- Temple complexes;
- Museums;
- Natural attractions of natural origin.
Once in the country, be sure to include in your excursion program a visit to the museum, a walk along the pristine beach, a trip to the islands and the nearest cities, as well as acquaintance with the ancient traditions of the Khmers.
Temple complexes of Cambodia
The multi-tiered temples, erected by the masters of the past using special technology, are considered the pride of the kingdom. Unique structures are scattered over a wide area, and some of them are located in remote areas. Therefore, in order to get to the temples, you will need to take care of the guide and transport. The most visited are such complexes as Angkor Wat, Preah Vihea and Ta Prohm.
Angkor Wat

This attraction has long gained popularity among tourists due to its perfectly preserved buildings, original architecture and the scale of the project. The temple was built in the XII century and, according to historians, embodies the perfect example of Khmer architecture.
The construction of Angkor Wat is associated with the worship of the god Vishnu, who was revered during the reign of King Suryavarman. The place of construction of the temple was the former capital of Cambodia called Angkor.
The complex was created according to the concentric principle, which includes the combination of conical structures with a single system of rooms and corridors. An artificial ditch was dug around Angkor Wat and filled with water. On an area of 2.5 square kilometers, you can see perfectly preserved rooms for ritual ceremonies, sanctuaries and bizarre towers.
Preah Vihea
Another cult building in Cambodia, the territorial affiliation of which has been disputed by Thailand more than once. As a result, the buildings of the complex were recognized as a world cultural heritage in 2008, and until now the complex is under the protection of UNESCO.
The construction of Preah Vihear began in 893, as evidenced by the main buildings of the temple. First, four tiers were erected, and later buildings appeared on them, connected by a staircase with a height of 74 meters. On both sides of the stairs, there are statues of lions guarding the peace of the deity Shiva. Several buildings are in the shape of a lotus flower, which proves the influence of Khmer culture on Cambodian architecture.
If you look at the complex from a bird's eye view, you can compare it with an ancient city that harmoniously blended into the natural landscape.
Ta Prom
The temple belongs to the Angkor Wat complex, however, it is a finished structure worthy of special attention. The date of the construction of Ta Prohma is considered to be 1186, when the local emperor Jayavarman ordered the construction of a magnificent temple in honor of his mother.
Most of the temple was occupied by towers and statues of the gods, and the rest of the square was the hostess's apartments and rooms for servants. On the basis of Ta Prohoma, a monastery and a university functioned, where everyone could learn the true meaning of Buddhism.
Once inside the complex, you will be amazed at its beauty and uniqueness. The fact is that the buildings of the temple are shrouded in vines, tree roots and other plants growing in the jungle. An atmosphere of mystery reigns within the walls of the temple and this gives the complex a special charm.
Cambodia museums
As for museums, there are not as many of them in the kingdom as in neighboring states. There are three museums in total, which house exhibits that play an important role in preserving the historical past of Cambodia. Must-see places include the National Museum, the Genocide Museum and the Angkor National Museum.
National Museum
The main building is located in the capital of Cambodia and pleases tourists from all over the world with its most valuable collections of ancient artifacts. The initiator of the creation of the museum was a historian named Georges Groslier, who made every effort to collect relics of the pre-Angkorian period.
In the halls of the museum there are expositions showing sculptures of the deities Vishna and Shiva. The statues are 11 centuries old. In other rooms, collections of rare items made of ceramics, bronze and precious metals are available to the public. A worthy place among the many exhibits is occupied by a casket made in the shape of a bird with a human head. Researchers attribute this skillfully created artifact to one of the finest works of folk crafts.
After the excursion program, you can spend time in a peaceful environment in the courtyard garden.
Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
A trip to this museum is a chance to get acquainted with the darkest pages of Cambodian history, as the entire building is literally saturated with a sense of human fear, death and horror. More than 30 years ago, the capital of the kingdom was seized together with the army by Pol Pot, who proclaimed a new regime and ordered a "cleanup" of the local population. Pol Pot named his soldiers "Khmer Rouge" and issued an order for them to free the city from local residents at any cost.
Possessing incredible cruelty, the dictator's subordinates organized a prison on the basis of a children's school, where thousands of Cambodians were tortured to death. After these terrible events, a museum was organized in the former prison, which still keeps within its walls the gloomy atmosphere of those times.
The museum exhibits include cells for prisoners, instruments of torture, personal belongings of the killed, photographs, etc.
Angkor National Museum
The museum was opened only ten years ago, but has already gained popularity among visitors. This is due to the fact that the museum staff managed to combine the scientific, educational and historical components in one building.
In total, the museum has 8 galleries, which are divided according to thematic principle. Each of the galleries presents a collection of values that tell about the way of life of the Khmer people. It is noteworthy that some of the museum's exhibits are allowed to be touched by hands.
Before the excursion, visitors are advised to watch a film, the plot of which is based on real events of Cambodia's past. The movies are broadcasted, including in English, which makes it possible to better understand the content.
Natural attractions

Cambodia is a kingdom where modern buildings and the tropics coexist. The flora and fauna is so diverse that it is worth paying special attention to getting to know it. It is better to start exploring the nature of this country from Kirirom National Park, Phnom Kulen National Park and the Sihanoukville resort area. In this case, you can combine several types of recreation at once.
Kirirom National Park
To get to this amazing place you will need to cover a distance of 110 kilometers from Phnom Penh. Buses run to the park from time to time, so there shouldn't be any difficulties in this matter. Once in the park, you will be amazed at its scale, which is 340 thousand hectares.
Green relict forests, transparent reservoirs, abundant tropical vegetation, a variety of birds, insects and animals - all this "gets along" in one area. A program has been developed for visitors, including boat trips in national style, horse trails, as well as excursions to hard-to-reach places accompanied by a professional guide. In addition, you can learn about the characteristics of a particular type of plant and observe how the flora of the jungle is formed.
Phnom Kulen National Park
A clear advantage of this park complex, among others, are the cascades of waterfalls. The park itself is located on the hill of the same name and stretches along the plateau for 30 kilometers. The hill has been considered sacred since ancient times, as the capital of the Khmer state used to be on its top. The attraction became available for mass visits in 1999, after which locals and tourists constantly come here. In Phnom Kulen, there are ancient temples that have witnessed important religious events of the past centuries. Not far from the temples a river flows, at the bottom of which symbols of Hinduism are carved. Cambodians firmly believe that once you swim in a reservoir, you will gain longevity. At the end of the tour of the park, it is worth going to the magnificent cascading waterfalls.
Many tourists go to Cambodia in order to enjoy a comfortable stay in a small town founded by French colonists. You will be pleasantly surprised by the fairly high level of infrastructure, the availability of hotels of different classes, restaurants with local cuisine, an excellent climate and an entertainment program for every taste.
A series of cozy bungalows and hotels sprawls along the azure coast in Sihanoukville. Therefore, you do not have to worry about your stay in this resort area. For those who prefer a secluded atmosphere, it is better to rent a boat and sail to the islands with uninhabited beaches.
In the evenings, an active trade in handmade souvenirs, as well as national dishes cooked over an open fire, begins on the streets of the city.