The Republic of Armenia is a country with a thousand-year history. Here, miraculously preserved colonial buildings of former civilizations, ancient monasteries and temples, as well as unique natural sites are protected.
There is no sea in Armenia, but there are mountains with snow-white peaks and blue lakes. The republic shares a border with Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran and Turkey. A stay in this ancient country will be filled with strong impressions and will leave vivid memories.
Every traveler or tourist knows that the question of the cuisine of the country he has decided to visit is far from idle, but, on the contrary, one of the most important. Armenia is no exception. Hospitable people live in this country. Tasty and satisfying food and drink for an Armenian is a sacred and pleasant duty. So, in the "Armenian Kingdom", like nowhere else, there is something to try, including, of course, drinks from grapes.
Food in Armenia

Armenian cuisine is a variety of dishes with a delicate taste and aroma. Their tasting will bring a lot of pleasure to the guest of the country. Shish kebab, tolma, lavash, cognac - these words have long been Russian.
The main Armenian dishes were formed in ancient times, but they remain unchanged to this day. Moreover, the chefs of modern Armenia still use ancient recipes and old kitchen appliances when preparing their signature dishes. Which, of course, cannot but interest the gourmet.
To achieve the desired density and aroma of dishes, it is planned to stuff, beat, mix the starting products, even meat. For example, to prepare such a dish as arganak, they take raw chicken and deer meat boiled in chicken broth.
They cook bread, vegetables, cereals, fish and poultry in tonir, it is also called the Armenian tandoor (a special jug-shaped or spherical brazier oven).
A special bread - lavash - is the main flour product in Armenia. It must be said that for the preparation of bakery products, they take a dozen and a half types of flour and grinds. The main one is wheat flour, which can be mixed with corn or potato starch. Pohinza bread, which is obtained from fried wheat, is interesting in taste.
Milk processing products play a rather large role in the Armenian menu - wineskin and jug brine cheeses, sour and sweet milk products.
For millennia, Armenians have been consuming grain crops: wheat, barley, rice, spelled, millet, as well as legumes: lentils, beans, beans, mountain peas. Like the rest of the world, they love vegetables and fruits. But they are eaten not only as independent products and dishes, but also as additives to soups, cereals, meat, fish.
Pomegranates, lemons, cherry plums, raisins, quince, dried apricots are included in the fish and meat menu - the taste of such dishes is very peculiar. Armenians add quince, apples, walnuts, dried apricots to meat broths, raisins, prunes, cherry plums to mushroom broths, and dogwood to fish broths. Almost all dishes are supplemented with spices and numerous wild herbs: mint, basil, tarragon, cilantro, thyme, cinnamon, black pepper, cardamom, saffron, vanilla, cloves, etc.
So, it is impossible to cook a real Armenian dish somewhere else. Therefore, you need to go to Armenia!
Top 10 Armenian dishes
Beef tenderloin is cut into large pieces, placed in earthenware or porcelain dishes, finely chopped onions, salt, pepper, vinegar are added. They mix everything. The marinated meat is sent to a cold place for several hours. Prepared meat is fried on hot coals, strung on skewers. Sprinkle the ready-made basturma with herbs.
Tolma with cabbage
Tolma with cabbage
Meat - mutton - finely chopped, add boiled rice, onions, herbs, salt, pepper and mix. The resulting minced meat, divided into portions, is wrapped in cabbage leaves. The remaining bone cutting field is placed on the bottom of the pan, covered with a layer of cabbage leaves, on which tolma is placed, as well as dried apricots, quince or apples, and tomato puree is added. All this is poured with hot broth and simmered over low heat.
Pilaf with dried fruits
Pilaf with dried fruits
Rice is boiled until soft, and then, pouring in oil, keep in a deep saucepan over low heat for about an hour. Dried fruits in a frying pan are also fried in hot oil over low heat, adding cloves and almonds. Prepared fruits are combined with rice. Serving on the table, sprinkle pilaf with cinnamon and oil.
Moussaka with vegetables

Moussaka with vegetables
Thin slices of pumpkin potatoes, slices of eggplant and small cubes of beef are fried in oil. Prepared meat is mixed with steamed rice, fried onions, salt and pepper. Vegetables and meat are placed in a pan in layers, tomato halves are placed on top, after which they are poured with broth and stewed.
Lamb kchuch
Lamb kchuch
Vegetables - potatoes, tomatoes, onions, green beans, bell peppers - are cut into identical pieces, placed in rows in earthenware, dried apricots are added, sprinkled with spices (dill, cilantro, basil, savory, pepper) and salt. Pieces of lamb are placed on top, poured with boiling water and simmered under a tight lid for two hours in the oven.
Steamed trout

Steamed trout
Salted fish are placed in rows in a stewpan, oiled and lined with tarragon greens, and simmered over low heat. The finished trout is laid out on a dish, poured with the resulting juice, decorated with lemon slices and tarragon greens.
Pieces of boiled chicken with wheat grits are cooked over low heat. As soon as the food turns into a homogeneous thick mass, the cooking is stopped. The dish is served with fried onions, ghee and ground cinnamon.

The lentils are boiled until soft. Add rice (noodles), onions, butter, raisins, walnuts, black pepper and cook until rice is cooked, then add parsley and cilantro.
Flour, soda, vanillin, butter are chopped, eggs, kefir are added, the dough is kneaded, a few cakes are rolled, the filling is placed between them (a mixture of ghee, sugar and flour) and rolled into a roll. Cut into slices 3 - 4 cm wide and bake.

Puff pastry is prepared from flour, hot milk, butter, eggs, soda and rolled out. The resulting cake is baked on a greased sheet in the oven. When ready, cut into squares and pour over hot melted honey.