New Year holidays in Moscow

New Year holidays in Moscow
New Year holidays in Moscow
photo: New Year's holidays in Moscow
photo: New Year's holidays in Moscow
  • history of the holiday
  • Preparation
  • Festive table
  • Traditions and signs
  • Father Frost
  • Where to celebrate a holiday in Moscow

New Year in Russia is always celebrated on a large scale, and Moscow is the center of the celebrations. The holiday in the life of Russian people plays a significant role and has long traditions. A magical winter atmosphere begins to reign in Moscow long before the New Year. For this, the authorities of the Russian capital are making every effort.

history of the holiday


The first mentions that such a holiday appeared in Russia date back to the second half of the 15th century. An interesting fact is that until 1492 the celebration was celebrated in March in accordance with the Julian calendar. Later the month of celebration was changed to September. The New Year was of a purely church character and was accompanied by visits to church and chants.

Starting from 1700, according to the decree of Peter I, the date was changed again to January 1. At the same time, the emperor himself wanted the Russians to celebrate the holiday in accordance with European customs. In Russia, the first Christmas trees appeared, they began to collect balls on the occasion of the celebration, and costume carnivals are held.

The year 1929 became a turning point in the fate of the holiday, since the local leadership of the country made January 1 a working day, and banned New Year's parties, explaining that such a pastime was an open manifestation of the bourgeoisie.

Later, the official status returned to the holiday, and already in 1947 the Russians could again rest in January.


The Russians are starting to prepare for the New Year in advance. Before the holiday, you should carefully clean the apartment, throw away old things and make room for the forest beauty. The spruce has a symbolic meaning for the inhabitants of Russia.

Since ancient times, magical properties have been attributed to this coniferous tree, which consisted in the fact that the smell of spruce can drive out evil spirits from the house. Today, the belief is a thing of the past, and the spruce has become an integral part of the holiday. It is customary to hang a variety of glass toys, colorful garlands and beads on a tree. Under the spruce there must be Santa Claus bringing gifts to children.

3-4 days before the New Year, Russians go to stores to buy food for the festive table. Recently, firecrackers, fireworks, confetti and firecrackers have become very popular, which begin to start up on the evening of December 31.

Pasted snowflakes, cut out of paper of different colors, appear on the windows of apartments, and on Moscow streets you can see original compositions made of ice, snow figures and many sparkling lights.

Festive table

The New Year's menu is distinguished by an abundance of various dishes. Each hostess wants to impress her guests with culinary delights. The traditional feast for the holiday looks like this: salad "Olivier"; salad "Herring under a fur coat"; stuffed chicken or goose; baked potatoes with vegetables; cold cuts; cold and hot snacks; sandwiches with red caviar; aspic; desserts.

Among alcoholic beverages, Russians prefer vodka, champagne, cognac or wine. The table is sure to be served in New Year's style and looks very elegant.

Traditions and signs

Interesting rituals have been preserved since ancient times, which Russians still observe. Some of the tradition was taken from the celebration of Christmas. Among the most relevant customs are:

  • meeting the New Year in a narrow family circle;
  • meeting the holiday in new clothes;
  • participation in folk festivals on the night of December 31 to January 1;
  • removing all broken dishes from the house before the holiday;
  • watching famous films on TV;
  • listening to the New Year wishes of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • farewell to the old year.

Muscovites love to celebrate the New Year on Red Square, in the center of which stands a natural spruce of amazing beauty. It is also a very widespread tradition when, under the chimes, each of the participants in the feast writes his wish on a piece of paper, sets fire to and throws the ashes into a glass of champagne. If the glass is drunk to the bottom while the clock strikes twelve times, then the plan will certainly come true next year.

In recent decades, it has become fashionable in Russia to celebrate the New Year in accordance with the eastern calendar, according to which each year has its own patron animal.

Father Frost


Not a single New Year is complete without Santa Claus, the prototype of which is the ancient Slavic deity, representing the patron saint of frost and cold. Outwardly, the winter wizard looks like an old man with a long gray beard, dressed in a blue robe and hat. In the hands of Santa Claus there is always a staff that can freeze everything that gets in the way. In the other hand, the old man holds a bag with gifts for children.

The constant companion of Santa Claus is his granddaughter named Snegurochka. This petite girl has a kind character and amazing beauty. She accompanies grandfather everywhere and helps him to give gifts.

Modern Santa Claus is different in that every Russian child can write him a letter with wishes, and then send him to the official residence located in Veliky Ustyug. Thousands of children come to this place on New Year's holidays to see the main hero of the celebration with their own eyes.

Where to celebrate a holiday in Moscow

If you want to fully experience the New Year's atmosphere, then Moscow is the ideal city for this. It is here that numerous matinees, shows, performances and other mass events are organized. Your choice:

  • Red Square, where they begin to celebrate the New Year on a large scale on December 31;
  • Poklonnaya Hill, on which a tall spruce is set and there is an opportunity to ride a sleigh pulled by reindeer;
  • Victory Park with a unique composition of ice sculptures;
  • theme parties in local clubs and restaurants;
  • rest at the tourist centers of the Moscow region.

Regardless of where you celebrate the New Year, in Moscow this holiday is always noisy and fun. However, do not forget that it is worth booking accommodation in the Russian capital in advance, since during the New Year holidays Moscow is especially popular among those wishing to celebrate the main celebration of the country.

