Where is Jordan located?

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Where is Jordan located?
Where is Jordan located?

Video: Where is Jordan located?

Video: Where is Jordan located?
Video: Jordan's Geographic Challenge 2024, October
photo: Where is Jordan located?
photo: Where is Jordan located?
  • Jordan: Where Is This Country Of “Desert Castles”?
  • How to get to Jordan?
  • Holidays in Jordan
  • Jordan beaches
  • Souvenirs from Jordan

"Where is Jordan located?" it is important to know for everyone, whose plans include visiting the best spa-centers, viewing the world's shrines, joining an elite beach vacation and diving in coral gardens. It is best to get acquainted with Jordan in the spring and autumn months, when the country pampers tourists with favorable weather (the Red and Dead Seas warm up to + 22-28˚ C). But prices soar up at this time. The low season is considered to be the summer months and December-March (with the exception of the holidays).

Jordan: Where Is This Country Of “Desert Castles”?

The location of Jordan (the area of the state is 92,300 sq. Km) is the Middle East: in the northeastern side it borders on Iraq, in the west - Palestine and Israel, in the north - Syria, and in the south and east - Saudi Arabia. It should be noted that 90% of the state is occupied by deserts and semi-deserts, and its highest point is the 1800-meter mountain Umm ed-Dami.

Jordan has a common coastline on the Dead Sea with Palestine and Israel, and on the Gulf of Aqaba with Egypt, Israel and Saudi Arabia. Jordan, with its capital in Amman, consists of the mukhopaz El-Mafrak, Madaba, Jarash, Irbid, Ajlun, Ez-Zarqa and others (12 in total).

How to get to Jordan?

You can get from the Russian capital to the Jordanian capital on board S7 and Royal Jordanian aircraft in 4 hours. As for the Kiev - Amman flights, they are organized by Royal Jordanian and UM Air (passengers will have a 3-hour flight). Well, residents and guests of Kazakhstan and Belarus were less fortunate - there are no direct flights between their countries of residence and Jordan.

Holidays in Jordan

Guests of Amman are shown the Citadel (its location is the Jebel al-Qalaa hill), the ruins of the Temple of Hercules, the Byzantine basilica and the Umayyad palace. If you move 12 km away from the capital, you can find yourself in the Kan Zaman complex. Its guests enjoy Jordanian coffee and traditional food, smoke shisha and buy handicrafts.

Only an hour's drive separates Amman and Jerash, where tourists take pictures against the backdrop of the Hadrian Arch and the decorative fountain of Nymphae (191), visit about 20 Byzantine churches (some of them are decorated with mosaic floors) and exhibits of the Jerash Archaeological Museum in the form of metal and ceramics, figurines, figurines, coins, precious stones. In July-August in Jerash, it will be possible to visit the ballet, opera and theatrical performances within the framework of the festival taking place at this time. And those who visit the local hippodrome every day (with the exception of Friday) are pleased with the show “Roman military art and chariot races”.

Guests of Aqaba will be able to go diving (6 dive centers are open here; and the visibility under water is 35-40 m), visit the aquarium at the marine scientific station, inspect the Mamluk fort and exhibits of the Museum of Antiquities, as well as relax on local beaches (in the north they are covered sand, and in the south they are rocky with coral reefs).

Petra invites tourists to get acquainted with such sights as the Ad-Deir Monastery (800 steps lead to it), the 42-meter Al-Khazne Palace, the Facade Square (of interest are temples and tombs that were carved into the rocks) and other historical objects (in total 800). Of greatest interest is an evening visit to Petra, when it is shown to tourists by candlelight to Bedouin music.

Jordan beaches

  • Amman Tourist Beach: Beach parties are held here on the shores of the Dead Sea. The beach is equipped with showers (they are supplied with fresh water), a snack bar, changing rooms. It also sells souvenirs and packed Dead Sea mud.
  • Berenice Beach: Palm trees and flowers grow on this paid beach, and the entrance to the water is equipped with a convenient pier. Those who paid about $ 10 for admission will become temporary owners of a sun lounger, towel and umbrella, and will also be able to swim in the pool.

Souvenirs from Jordan

You shouldn't return home from Jordan without miniatures of colorful sand in bottles, medicinal cosmetics, figurines of camels, painted ostrich eggs, Bedouin dagger (shibriya), hookah, tin lamp, handmade colored rugs, sweets with nuts, honey and spices, olive soap with herbs, spices or flower essences.
