What to bring from Bangladesh

What to bring from Bangladesh
What to bring from Bangladesh
photo: What to bring from Bangladesh
photo: What to bring from Bangladesh
  • What to bring from Bangladesh national?
  • Souvenirs with a mystical touch
  • Kitchen helpers

Tourists go to the countries of Southeast Asia for exotic things, here everything is fundamentally different from what is present in the homeland of travelers. Wild jungle, where "many, many wild monkeys" and other animals of the tropics, strange dances, incomprehensible rituals, original souvenirs. In this article, we will consider what to bring from Bangladesh - a country that is still lagging behind in terms of tourism from its neighbors, nevertheless offering goods that are very interesting for guests.

What to bring from Bangladesh national?

A walk through the market in Dhaka or any other locality turns into a fantastic journey through history. Instantly there is a feeling that time has stood still, stopped, traders offer goods that were a hundred or two hundred years ago. On the other hand, time rushes by with great speed, trade is fast, active, energetic, the guest does not have time to blink an eye, as it turns out to be all hung with purchases. Of all the huge number of goods, the following attracts attention: muslin fabrics; Leather Products; gold and silver jewelry; wicker rugs and mats.

Let's take a closer look at these important goods for tourists. Muslin in Bangladesh has been used for many centuries, stunning sarees, bedspreads and pillowcases, and hats were sewn from it. And today it is the most popular product among foreign tourists who buy up both things and fabrics in unlimited quantities. Ladies like oriental patterns that richly decorate canvases, less often they buy saris, dresses in the national style. Tourists understand that here, on vacation, such outfits will look great, but in their homeland there will be practically no opportunity to wear traditional Asian dresses.

The skin of animals has also long been used by the inhabitants of Bangladesh, it is in great demand among buyers from abroad, especially the skin of exotic animals, reptiles. Products made from this material are durable, beautiful, relatively cheap, wicker products made of jute and reed are no less beautiful.

The most attention is given to jewelry, especially silver jewelry, massive, huge, representing complex designs, but at the same time elegant. In second place in the rating of precious women's gifts and souvenirs are items made from unique pink pearls. Bangladesh is the only country in the world where this beauty is mined, moreover, it is important that pearls of this shade are not grown artificially, but are mined in the wild. The pink color of the gift of nature has a beautiful name "the color of the skin of an angel", Bangladeshis have learned to make necklaces and pendants, pendants and bracelets out of it.

Souvenirs with a mystical touch

Tourists who come to rest in Bangladesh are looking for interesting things in the markets related to local traditions, beliefs, rituals. And, as a rule, they find, very often the subject of purchase becomes a mask that local craftsmen carve from a coconut. This mask becomes a vivid reminder of an exotic journey.

The second group of goods of a similar type is bronze figurines, which are made in the village of Dhamrai, the locals make them using the unique technology of wax molds. Similar methods for casting sculptures on the planet are used in only three places - in Nepal, in India and in the Bangladeshi village of Dhamray.

Small forms from Bangladesh are considered the best, as the work is very complex, decorated with a lot of small details. Naturally, such a gift should be given to a person who can appreciate it at its true worth, for example, is a connoisseur of cult things.

Kitchen helpers

There is a category of gifts from Bangladesh that women housewives can appreciate. In this country, they learned to skillfully make reeds and bamboo, to make amazing things out of it. Napkins woven from plant fibers can decorate a dining place, make the interior unique. Good mats and rugs that improve the ecological situation in the house, while looking chic in any style. If finances permit, you can buy a wicker track or carpet.

As a gift to all relatives, you can bring tea from Bangladesh, it is of high quality, in no way inferior to Indian tea. Since time immemorial, the plant has been cultivated in the local territories, harvested by hand and processed according to ancient technologies.

So, in terms of shopping, Bangladesh is a very interesting country, it is distinguished by the preservation of the old way of life, crafts, culture. Items bought at local markets keep the warmth of the craftsmen's hands and a piece of the soul that they put into the work. There are many shopping options for the home and for the soul, for men and for women, as well as delicious tea for the whole family.
