For many people on the planet, the question of changing their place of residence is vital, the reason for this can be war, political and economic reasons. Others simply dream of living in a richer, more developed country, educating their children, and getting a stable source of income themselves. At the same time, they are not satisfied with obtaining a simple permanent residence, they would like to be fully integrated into the local society, to receive all the rights of a citizen. The question of how to obtain citizenship of Monaco is quite popular on the Internet. Therefore, we will try to consider in more detail the possibilities of admission to citizenship in the principality.
How can you get Monaco citizenship
The last edition of the law on citizenship of the Principality of Monaco was adopted in 1987, and potential candidates should rely on the provisions of this normative legal act. The main methods and grounds are spelled out in the law: birth; origin; registration of marriage relations; naturalization.
As you can see from the above list, the main methods of obtaining Monegasque citizenship coincide with what is offered in other European states. On the first basis (right of birth), the following can be noted - the birth of a child in Monaco from foreign parents does not give the right to obtain citizenship. If the parents of the newborn or the child are not identified and it is not possible to establish them, then the baby will automatically receive the citizenship of the country.
The acquisition of the citizenship of the principality by origin has many nuances. For example, being born in a legal marriage, where the dad is a citizen, gives the child the right to automatically obtain rights. The same applies to children who were born as a result of an unmarried relationship between a mother, who has the rights of a citizen of Monaco, and an unknown father. A special procedure for acquiring citizenship awaits the baby if his parents are citizens of the Principality of Monaco, but who have not legally registered the relationship. He will automatically receive the rights of a citizen after the marriage between his parents, otherwise a more complicated procedure awaits him.
Marriage is a very convenient way for girls to obtain citizenship of the Principality of Monaco. Marrying a man who has all the rights of a citizen of the country automatically leads to the acquisition of citizenship by the newly-made spouse. It is a different matter if a Monaco citizen marries a foreigner, there are options here, she can retain her citizenship, get a double one (if this is permissible in the country of her spouse), or decide to renounce her citizenship in order to go through the procedure for obtaining the rights of a citizen at the place of her new residence. …
Naturalization is an important way
To undergo the naturalization procedure in Monaco, as in other European states, a number of conditions must be met: reaching a certain age; period of residence in the country; renunciation of the citizenship of the previous country of residence; good integration into the local community; high level of income.
First on the list is the age of the potential candidate for Monegasque citizenship. Starting from the 21st birthday, a person can independently submit documents for this procedure. Another condition is that the period of residence in Monaco must be at least 10 years, and its countdown begins after obtaining a residence permit. There are ways of accelerated naturalization, shorter periods are established for persons who enter into official marriages with citizens of Monaco.
The legislation of this European state provides for the grounds on which the registration of citizenship occurs almost instantly, bypassing the period of the so-called naturalization. For example, adoption (similarly, adoption) entitles the child to obtain Monegasque citizenship without going through all the procedures. Another category of those who receive the right to citizenship in the principality are large investors who are ready to invest very large financial resources in the economy of Monaco. This list also includes those individuals who have made a huge contribution to other industries - scientists, representatives of the arts.
Monaco is a dwarf state, its possibilities in terms of accepting immigrants are limited, so it is very difficult to hope for an easy passage of the procedures. You can get to the country in different ways: come to get an education or to work, start a business or get married. These are methods of legal entry into the country, but then a residence permit is required, which is issued only for a certain period. Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Monaco is much more complicated. But it is this document that is the basis for counting the period of residence, an important condition for obtaining citizenship.