The only correct answer to the question of how to obtain Polish citizenship should be sought in the diplomatic and consular missions of the republic abroad, on the websites of these institutions on the Internet. Naturally, consultation with the authorities where the necessary documents and information are provided will also help to avoid mistakes.
In the Republic of Poland, the Law on Polish Citizenship is currently in force, it spells out the main provisions for obtaining citizenship, conditions and mechanisms. The main principle declared in this country is the guarantee of lifelong citizenship, regardless of when and on what grounds a person was recognized as a citizen of this state. The second operating principle is that dual citizenship is allowed in this country, but at the same time the absolute priority of Polish citizenship remains. If a person, for any reason, applies to the public authorities of Poland, he can only refer to Polish citizenship, respectively, the obligations and rights arising from it.
Different ways of obtaining Polish citizenship
In this European state, various mechanisms for obtaining Polish citizenship are applicable, many of them are similar to those used in world practice. In accordance with the Law on Polish Citizenship, the following principles and conditions are distinguished: the principle of blood; the principle of the territory; adoption; adoption of citizenship (based on the decision of the President of Poland).
The first three methods relate to the youngest members of society, the "principle of blood" is a priori understandable. For a child to acquire Polish citizenship, it is sufficient that the father or mother (one of the parents) have citizenship. Close to it is the “principle of territory,” according to which a child found or born on Polish soil is also automatically counted among Polish citizens. In the case of adoption, there is an age limit - according to the law, an adopted child receives citizenship if he has not reached the age of 16.
Decision of the President
Citizenship by the President of the Republic of Poland is one of the most popular ways to obtain citizenship. The President in his competence is not limited by the Constitution of the country, he can decide to recognize any person as a Polish citizen, subject to the latter's observance of all the conditions set forth by law. In order to start the mechanism of obtaining Polish citizenship in action, a person must write an application addressed to the President, it is transmitted with a package of documents through the voivode.
If the person is abroad at this time, in this case, the transfer is carried out through the consular missions of Poland. The document is submitted in Polish, it is permissible to submit an application in a foreign language, but it must be accompanied by an official translation. It can be drawn up by the consul of the Republic of Poland or a certified translator.
The method of recognition as a Polish citizen by filing an application addressed to the country's leader operates on the basis of the Order of 2009. This regulatory document spelled out in detail who has the right to citizenship, on what principles, the basic conditions are well known:
- legal stay in Poland for a number of years (different number of years for certain categories of persons);
- a high degree of integration into Polish society;
- a good level of knowledge of the state language;
- a high level of income, respectively, the available place of work;
- guaranteed place of residence.
The state takes very seriously the knowledge of the Polish language by foreigners, potential applicants for the right to citizenship. Each of them must pass an exam, present a certificate, which is issued by the State Commission.
Other points are also important, in particular, respect for Polish laws, the absence of a threat to the security of the country and the population. Concessions when using this method of obtaining citizenship are granted to persons with refugee status, persons with Polish roots, spouses of Poles and children born from previous marriages with persons who did not have Polish citizenship. Moreover, each of this category of persons has its own conditions, the availability of certain documents, the period of residence in Poland.
For example, for foreigners with a residence permit or long-term stay, a period of 3 years is established with continuous residence, stable, regular income and their own housing. If a person is married to a citizen of Poland (at least 3 years), then the period of stay in the country is reduced to 2 years. The same amount must be lived for a person who is recognized as a refugee and has a residence permit.
Upon finding out that a foreigner poses a threat to the security of Poland, its citizens, public order, or if they were presented with false information, he will be denied Polish citizenship.