Deshte Lut Desert

Deshte Lut Desert
Deshte Lut Desert
photo: Deshte-Lut Desert on the map
photo: Deshte-Lut Desert on the map

The Asian region of the planet is characterized by an arid hot climate, the presence of large territories occupied by deserts and semi-deserts. One of them is the Deshte-Lut desert, the general location is the Middle East. The political map of the world shows that the territories are the property of Iran. The geographic map clarifies - desert territories are located on the Iranian Highlands, in its central part.

Important information about the Deshte Lut Desert

The main planet record recorded in this unusual place is related to temperature. The Deshte-Lut Desert has a place of honor as the hottest place on the planet. The main record, which, however, does not please the population too much - the thermometer rose to + 71 ° С, and temperatures around + 50 ° С are quite common.

It is clear that maintaining a weather station in such a place is not profitable, even for the United States of America, the temperature absolute maximum was recorded thanks to a space satellite. The studies of the temperature regime were carried out for seven years, including from 2004 to 2007, then in 2009. According to the analyzed statistics obtained in the course of this study, it was the Deshte-Lut desert that received the title of the hottest place on earth.

The temperature regime undoubtedly affects both the geology and the state of the vegetation cover, the presence of fauna in this region. Most of the territory of Deshte-Lut is occupied by the so-called takyrs, followed by solid areas also occupied by salt marshes. The southern regions of the desert are characterized by the presence of solid massifs of sand. In the relief of the area, you can observe such interesting forms as "mushrooms", "pillars". The appearance of unusual objects was facilitated by physical weathering, strong winds throughout the year - also in the list of characteristic features of the area.

It is clear that the description of local water bodies will not take up much space. Within the Deshte-Lut desert, in its southern part, where the Kukhbenan ridge is located, there is the Nemekzar depression. It belongs to the drainless, saline formations, and it is in its lowest part, in the spring, when the rivers flood, a lake is formed. This single body of water dries up very quickly.

The length of the Deshte-Lut desert is about 550 kilometers, the width of the distance ranges from 100 to 200 kilometers. If you look from space into the desert, you can see a strip of elongated, heterogeneous shape, which is located along the ridge. From the same satellite, you can record how numerous sandstorms pass through the territory. Together with temperature records, this makes existence in the desert impossible for either humans or representatives of the kingdom of fauna or flora.

In general, the territory of the state of Iran is characterized by the fact that arid landscapes prevail here, since there are many deserts, semi-deserts, deserted steppes in this Asian region. The territory of the Deshte-Lut desert, as the most arid, is devoid of any vegetation for almost the whole year.

In a hot spot

This area, which is able to create tough conditions, has its own record holders, for example, Gendom Berian, which is considered the hottest point of the Deshte-Lut desert. Gendom Berian is a huge plateau with an area of about 480 square kilometers. The upper covering of the plateau is lava, a very dark, deep brown color.

The name of the territory from the Persian language can be translated as "burnt wheat". According to legend, such a toponym appeared as a result of centuries-old observations of the weather conditions by local residents. They assured that it was enough to leave a loaf of bread in the desert for a few days, as only coals would remain of it.

Another interesting area in Deshte-Lut is called the "powder plain". It consists of light brown crushed stone and gray-black sand, similar to the color of gunpowder. If you look at the site from the plane, it seems that the area is covered with a thin layer of snow, this is how salted soil areas look against the background of rubble.

Scientists have hypothesized that previously there was an inland sea on the site of the desert; there is even a version that it was associated with the Arabian Sea. Geotectonic processes that took place over millions of years led to the fact that the territories located in the center of Iran today were compressed and uplifted. The same happened with the seabed, from which two internal drainage basins were formed.

It is interesting that, no matter how hard it is for people, they continue to live even in such hot spots. And not only live, but also build, and the buildings they erect at the same time resemble religious buildings, citadels for protection from external enemies (as if there should be many who want to occupy these territories) and residential buildings that protect from the all-penetrating sun.

