Egypt is one of the most mysterious states on earth, the preserved monuments of architecture and culture are vivid witnesses of distant times. But for a person of the XXI century, this country is, first of all, an important tourist destination. Sharm el-Sheikh is one such striking example, although until the 1970s it remained in the shadow of its more famous "brothers" - Hurghada, Luxor and Cairo.
Starting from the fishing village
The name of this modern Egyptian resort comes from the Arabic language, the translation may sound like "Elder's Bay". The first settlement dates back to scientists in 1762, but for almost 150 years the settlement was tiny. It was considered a village, the main industries of local residents were fishing and trade.
In fact, the history of Sharm el-Sheikh, in short, is divided into three periods:
- the Egyptian village of fishermen, practically unknown to anyone;
- as part of the State of Israel (since 1967);
- return to Egyptian rule (since 1979).
The First World War led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, which, in turn, pushed many countries to redistribute the world and territories.
Promised land
In the 60s of the twentieth century, the conflict between the Arab states and Israel reached its peak, as a result of which Sharm el-Sheikh became part of Israel. By the way, this was not the worst period in the life of the settlement, as the Israelis realized the benefits of the location of the town and started turning it into a resort area. We have significantly improved the condition of roads, started building hotels and campgrounds, and developing infrastructure.
Return to Egypt
In 1979, the history of Sharm el-Sheikh again takes a sharp turn, as a result of a peace agreement between the Israelis and the Egyptians, the Sinai Peninsula is returned to the jurisdiction of Egypt. Fortunately, the Egyptians continued to develop the resort, and today Sharm el-Sheikh is a serious competitor to the oldest resorts in the country.
Distinctive features of a modern city are a favorable climate, a gorgeous sea coast, many hotels of different levels. Mount Moses, national natural parks, wonderful diving are the highlights of the resort.