History of Tiraspol

History of Tiraspol
History of Tiraspol
photo: History of Tiraspol
photo: History of Tiraspol

One of the most beautiful cities in Moldova is located on the left bank of the Dniester. Tiraspol went through different stages of formation - from the founding of a small settlement in 1792 to receiving the high status of the capital of an autonomous republic within Ukraine in 1929.

The second attempt to become the main city was made by the townspeople in 1990, this time the capital of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic. True, while the state is unrecognized, then the status of the capital is illusory.

From fortress to city

Indeed, the history of Tiraspol began with the foundation of the fortress, since the Dniester became a border river between the Russian and Ottoman empires (after the well-known events of the Russian-Turkish war at the end of the 18th century). On the lands given by the Turks to Russia, the Ochakovskaya region was formed. The so-called third line of fortresses began to be erected on the southwestern Russian borders.

On the personal order of Alexander Suvorov, a Russian fortress was laid near the Turkish fortification of Bender, which was named Sredinna. In 1792, Empress Catherine II demanded to increase the territory of the Yekaterinoslav governorship, at the same time providing a plan for the development of this region. Governor Vasily Kakhovsky made a proposal to build another district town (the fourth in a row), located near the "Srednya-fortress".

From an ordinary county town to a metropolitan center

It is possible to highlight important periods in the history of Tiraspol, briefly it looks like this:

  • foundation and development of the Sredinna fortress (end of the 18th century);
  • Tiraspol as a county town (late 18th - early 20th centuries);
  • city in the twentieth century;
  • recent history (since 1990).

It is clear that such a division is conditional, it reflects the individual stages of the emergence, construction, and development of the city. It also indicates changes in the status of the settlement.

The fortress became a city in 1795, at the same time a new name was received - Tiraspol. By the middle of the 19th century, the city had about ten thousand inhabitants, its importance as a military settlement declined, life developed in a peaceful way. The development was facilitated by the laying of a railway line connecting the city with Chisinau.

The beginning of the 20th century was difficult for Tiraspol, as well as for all Russian cities. In 1918, this city was annexed to Romania as part of Bessarabia, then again became Soviet. Since 1929, it served as the capital of the Moldavian Republic.
