There is nothing surprising in the fact that the modern coat of arms of Novorossiysk repeats one to one the image of the heraldic symbol, officially approved in 1914 by Emperor Nicholas II. History, as it were, made a circle and returned to its starting point. During this time (almost a century), attempts were made to introduce new coats of arms and elements.
Description of the heraldic sign of Novorossiysk
The color palette is restrained, the main elements are painted in black and gold. The background of the shield, for which the most popular form in Russian heraldry, the French one, is also painted in gold. The composition of the coat of arms is quite simple, it consists of the following elements: a shield with important symbols; a tower crown located outside the shield.
In the lower part of the shield there is a black wavy tip; above it, the authors of the sketch placed an image of a predatory eagle, which is associated with the Russian Empire. The eagle is depicted, as befits, two-headed, with outstretched wings. In his paws he has symbols of state power - a scepter and orb, over his heads - a crown. The eagle itself is depicted in black, details (beak, paws, precious dress, symbols of power) - in gold.
On the chest of the feathered predator there is a small scarlet shield with the image of a golden cross, made in accordance with Orthodox traditions. The Creed is positioned over a silver crescent; this element is shown overturned.
From the history of the Novorossiysk coat of arms
It is clear that the heraldic symbol of the city, which was approved by the last Russian emperor, could not fulfill its role after the well-known events of October 1917. For many decades, he went into oblivion, the Soviet government made a lot of efforts to make the townspeople forget about him.
In the 1960s, there was a surge of interest in heraldry, many cities of the Soviet Union approve their own heraldic symbols. In 1968, Novorossiysk also had a coat of arms, naturally, with Soviet symbols. The new version reflected the real life of the city, its special geographical position, the main directions of the economy - industry and navigation were symbolically depicted.
In 1974, the coat of arms underwent minor changes, the same symbols remained, but the Hero City Order appeared. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, in 1994, Novorossiysk returns the heraldic symbol of 1914, but uses brighter colors, azure instead of black. In addition, a scarlet ribbon appears in the frame, and crossing anchors are located behind the shield.