When talking about the history of Alania, it is imperative to clarify whether the talk will be about a state in the foothills of the northern part of the Caucasus.
Since ancient times
If the history of the Republic of North Ossetia is considered, then several important periods should be distinguished:
- ancient history (from the 1st millennium BC);
- Alania in the Middle Ages;
- as part of the Russian Empire;
- Alania as part of the Soviet Union;
- republic within Russia.
The geographical position throughout the history of Alanya has undoubtedly influenced the political, economic, national and cultural spheres.
From ancient times to the Middle Ages

Archaeological research confirms that man mastered these lands before our era. Artifacts and monuments of archeology of the so-called Koban culture have been revealed. The name comes from the toponym Koban, a small settlement in North Ossetia.
The 1st century AD is marked by the unification of the Sarmatians, the new name is Alans. By the end of the 9th century, they form a powerful state occupying the territories of the Caucasus Mountains and the Ciscaucasia. Unfortunately, the era of prosperity ends quickly enough, since the small appanage principalities are not able to come to an agreement among themselves and unite efforts to protect territories from the Mongols. Hordes from the East in 1238 began the conquest of Alania, by 1400 Timur's army almost completely destroyed the Alanian state.
Allied with the Russians
In 1774, the present territories of North Ossetia were annexed to the Russian Empire, in 1801, respectively, South Ossetia. The first fortress in the Caucasus was founded in 1784. She received the symbolic name Vladikavkaz.
The residents of these territories perceived the events of October 1917 ambiguously. The history of Alania, in a nutshell, testifies that many Ossetian military personnel supported the White movement during the Civil War. By the early 1920s, Soviet power was established everywhere, Alania first became part of the Mountain Soviet Republic, then it went through several more territorial reforms.
During the war with the fascists, fierce battles were fought on the territory of the republic, the Germans actually stood at the walls of Vladikavkaz, but the Soviet army did not surrender the city. However, in the post-war period, the indigenous population was subjected to forcible deportation by order of Stalin.
Today, life in the region still cannot be called stable, although the residents of Alanya are passionately dreaming about it.