Coat of arms of Hamburg

Coat of arms of Hamburg
Coat of arms of Hamburg
photo: Coat of arms of Hamburg
photo: Coat of arms of Hamburg

Many of the cities in Germany have a long history dating back more than one century. But not all of them are ready to demonstrate the official symbols that have survived from 1245. Unlike most of them, residents of the city are ready to demonstrate the old coat of arms of Hamburg to their guests. Moreover, not only the earliest seal, but also the later versions of city seals and stamps, which can be used to trace how the coat of arms of Hamburg has undergone changes.

Three coats of arms of the city

In fact, there is not one main symbol of Hamburg, but three variants of it, which are used in various cases. The most popular, replicated in photos, in souvenirs and booklets, is the small coat of arms. It consists of a scarlet-colored shield with a silver tower.

The second version, the so-called large coat of arms of Hamburg, contains the following elements:

  • the same shield with a tower in the center of the composition;
  • supporters in the form of golden lions standing on their hind legs and with protruding tongues;
  • Knight's helmet.

Each of these details has its own interpretation and its own symbolic meaning. Heraldry experts are ready to analyze even the elements of the shield. For example, the middle tower with a cross at the top testifies to the desire of the Germans for the true faith. The side towers, decorated with stars, remind that Hamburg was chosen as the center of the Archdiocese. The closed gate of the tower is a symbol of readiness to defend the city from intruders.

Elements of the Great Coat of Arms

The main heraldic symbol, the so-called Great Coat of Arms, has its own characteristics, in particular, it is prohibited to use it in the press or advertising. The right to use is granted only to the city authorities, the Senate and the Seim of Hamburg.

In addition to, in fact, the shield with the image of a part of the castle complex, lions-shield-holders appear on the large coat of arms. They are made in medieval heraldic traditions. The only difference is that the muzzles of the formidable predators are turned away from the shield, that is, they are depicted as if watching the world. The composition is crowned with a knight's helmet, richly decorated on top, for example, you can see several gorgeous peacock feathers and basting.

Over the centuries, the elements of the coat of arms have been repeatedly modified, this applies, first of all, to the towers, fortress, fortress gates (they were sometimes drawn open). But these variations did not concern the concept of the heraldic symbol.
