About two dozen airports in the Hawaiian Islands serve millions of tourists every year who have decided to relax on a paradise archipelago in the heart of the Pacific Ocean. For a Russian traveler, a US visa is a prerequisite for a vacation in Hawaii, and a minimum knowledge of geography will help to choose the right airline.
There is no direct flight from Russia to the Hawaiian archipelago, and therefore will have to travel with transfers in New York or Los Angeles, where Aeroflot and American Airlines fly directly. Travel time will be at least 18 hours excluding connections.
Hawaii International Airports
Three main airports have international status in the archipelago:
- The Hawaiian International Airport in Honolulu is located on the island of Oahu.
- Hilo Airport is an air harbor on the island of Hawaii.
- Kona Air Port also hosts tourists on the island of Hawaii.
The main airport is Honolulu, with a transfer in which you can get to resorts and hotels on all inhabited islands of the archipelago
Aloha, Hawaii
Honolulu Airport is the largest port in the fiftieth state in the United States. It serves as a hub for Hawaiian Airlines and hosts other airlines. United Airlines, Japan Airlines, China Airlines, Air Canada and Jetstar fly here, on whose wings you can fly to many cities in the United States, to Nagoya, Osaka and Tokyo, Sydney and Vancouver.
Each of the three terminals of the airport performs its own tasks - the international one accepts foreign aircraft and aircraft from the mainland, the terminal of small flights serves local airlines flying between the commercial airports of the archipelago. The third terminal is also used for flights within the island state.
Transfer to the city is carried out by taxi and public transport, Bus stops 19, 20 and 31 are located at the terminals in the departure area. These routes connect Hawaii's largest airport to the city center.
All details about timetables, services and departures are available on the website - www.honoluluairport.com.
Alternate aerodromes
Kona International Airport on the island of Hawaii serves resorts in North Kona and South Kohale. The airport's only passenger terminal accepts passengers from Canada and the USA, New Zealand and Australia. The airlines WestJet, US Airways, United Airlines, Air Canada, Alaska Airlines and some others that carry passengers within the United States fly here.
To while away the time while waiting for the flight, passengers of this airport can visit the interesting exposition of the museum in memory of the astronaut Ellison Onizuki, a native of Kona. The main exhibits include the astronaut's personal spacesuit and a sample of the lunar soil.
Hilo Airport serves the resorts of the eastern part of the island of Hawaii. United Airlines flies here from Los Angeles and domestic flights from other parts of the Hawaiian archipelago land.