Coat of arms of El Salvador

Coat of arms of El Salvador
Coat of arms of El Salvador
photo: Coat of arms of El Salvador
photo: Coat of arms of El Salvador

The five states occupying the territory of modern Central America, although they gained independence and independence, retain the memory of their former "joint" life. Therefore, the coat of arms of El Salvador has the same symbols as the national emblem of Nicaragua.

In addition, the coats of arms are close in shape - the main symbols of both one and the other state are inscribed in an equilateral triangle. The name of the country (in both cases) goes in a circle around the triangle with the obligatory indication of the location - "Republic of El Salvador in Central America".

Basic Salvadoran characters

The coat of arms of El Salvador in its modern image has existed since 1912, that is, more than a hundred years. It consists of the following important elements:

  • a triangle with various symbolic images;
  • national flags and laurel branches;
  • a motto written on a white ribbon;
  • name of the state.

The palette is dominated by national blue (azure) and white (silver) colors, a lot of green (volcanoes and leaves), the name of the country is written in gold. Since there is a fragment of a rainbow, it is clear that all shades can be seen on the coat of arms.

Modernity and history

The five volcanoes symbolically recall the five states of the so-called United Region of Central America. The flags depicted on the sides of the triangle are reminiscent of the Federal Republic that existed in these territories.

Another reminder of the administrative-territorial units can be seen in the laurel garland. It is divided into 14 parts according to the number of departments in modern El Salvador. At the same time, the laurel wreath is a well-known symbol of the winners.

The same popular symbols are the sun, a rainbow, a red Phrygian cap, they are depicted on the Salvadorian coat of arms and are present in the national emblems of many countries not only in America, but also in Europe.

The most popular is the cap, a soft red cap. This headdress has a very long history, it was known to the ancient Romans, in France it became a symbol of the struggle for independence. That is why they began to actively use it on the coats of arms of different countries, metal banknotes. And although El Salvador has been considered an independent republic since 1839, throughout the twentieth century, residents of the country had to participate in military conflicts more than once, defending territories and borders from the invasion of neighbors.
