Switzerland has the densest rail network in Europe. Transport links in this country are functioning perfectly. Trains run smoothly to different settlements, without failures and delays. Swiss railways, together with water and road transport, form a single system. The network is approximately 2300 km long. There are about 112 km of railway tracks per 1000 sq. km.
How railway transport works
Timetables and routes are coordinated in such a way that passengers, having arrived at the station, can immediately continue their journey by bus. Mainly trains and buses run between large settlements.
The Swiss are actively exploiting the country's railways. Together with the state transport company SBB, there are private railways. Rail transport is a paragon of functionality and punctuality, despite the presence of gorges and mountains. In the high mountainous areas, there are railway viaducts, which look very picturesque and attract attention. There are many panoramic routes organized in the country. For example, Glacier Express, Golden Pass, etc. For information on the Glacier Express, visit www.glacierexpress.ch. The peculiarity of the Swiss railways is the abundance of tunnels due to the mountainous terrain. On the official SBB website - www.sbb.ch, you can see the train timetable.
Railway tickets
The Swiss travel system STS is very fine-tuned. Using the services of the Swiss Travel System, a tourist can travel around the whole country with a single travel ticket. One travel card gives the right to use different routes, and this is more than 26 thousand km. Passes are the preferred tickets for those intending to see Switzerland using public transport. The traveler can use trains, water transport, buses, public city transport, panoramic trains. Detailed information on this ticket is available at www.swisstravelsystem.ch.
The Swiss Pass is also a pass to museums, of which there are more than 450 in the country. It entitles you to discount cable lifts and mountain railway services. Swiss trains use a first and second grade grading. First class passengers have more spacious seats, which guarantees more comfort during the trip. Cars in this category are less noisy. They are equipped with special business areas. If a passenger plans to travel within a city or canton, then he is advised to buy a ticket for that settlement (canton).