Christmas in Salzburg

Christmas in Salzburg
Christmas in Salzburg
photo: Christmas in Salzburg
photo: Christmas in Salzburg

What's in store for travelers at Christmas in Salzburg? They will be able to immerse themselves in a winter fairytale with Christmas markets, live music, city streets beautifully illuminated in the evening with Christmas illumination.

Features of celebrating Christmas in Salzburg


The essence of Christmas lies in the little Christ (Christkind), who comes to earth on December 24 to take care of children and give gifts (gifts are not put in socks, but under the tree).

For the holiday, the Austrians set up a Christmas tree (Christbaum), decorating it with fruits, sweets, nuts, real candles, lighting of which is a special ritual. In addition, everyone in the house has an Advent wreath with 4 candles 4 weeks before the holiday, which are lit one on each of the 4 Sundays.

As for the Christmas table, in Salzburg, a soup of sausages and potatoes is sure to appear on it.

Entertainment and celebrations in Salzburg

  • From the end of November to the end of December, it is worth visiting the Helbrunn Palace - in the Christmas decorations of the castle, those who wish will have the opportunity to listen to choral chants and songs of selected performers, visit the Christmas creche exhibition, visit the zoo and fry delicious sausages over the fire in the Boy Scout camp.
  • If you decide to visit the Christmas crèche exhibition, take a look at the Eichhorn Collection Gallery during the Christmas holidays (about 300 figurines produced by Brigitte Eichhorn-Kozina are on display here).
  • The holiday season is a great opportunity to listen to Advent chants. For this purpose, it is worth going to the Great Festival Hall.
  • Mid-December will delight the guests of Salzburg with the Festival of Classical Music (Delirium): during this time they will be able to enjoy the world's best masterpieces of classical music.
  • Anyone who wants to get acquainted with folk traditions and customs related to St. Nicholas and mummers will be invited to visit the Toy Museum (children and parents are invited to spend time in culinary and creative workshops), Cathedral Hall (here those who wish are engaged in the creation of the Nikolaus mask) and the Salzburg State Theater (here you can try on the role of a supernatural being).

Unusual Excursions in Salzburg from Private Guides

Christmas markets in Salzburg

Austria's Christkindlmarkt are set up at the Residenzplatz and Domplatz squares, where visitors are offered to acquire works of traditional crafts, art objects, all kinds of jewelry and toys.

Here you can also try mulled wine, local pastries, aromatic fruit punch, roasted almonds and chestnuts, listen to Christmas carols and performances by the Salzburg choirs.
