Western China

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Western China
Western China

Video: Western China

Video: Western China
Video: China's Wild West - Go Wild 2024, June
photo: Western China
photo: Western China

The huge Chinese territory is for a European a whole world, exotic, special and unusual. But the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire themselves quite rightly believe that the west of China and its east are completely different regions, with their own peculiarities not only of geography and climate, but also with different folk rituals, architectural trends and cultural heritage.

Cards on the table

The West of China is a huge territory, the borders of which stretch for many hundreds of kilometers. From the north, this region borders with Russia, Mongolia and Kazakhstan, and from the west - with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and India. The region includes Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Qinghai and Tibet.

Worthy of attention

Going on a trip to the west of China, do not delude yourself - you still will not be able to see all the sights and delights of this part of the country in one trip. But striving to embrace the immensity is the main goal of a real traveler, and therefore the list of objects worth visiting may look like this:

  • Xi'an is the place where the Great Silk Road began. It is here that a magnificent example of architecture from the Tang Dynasty, ruling in the 7th century, the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, is located. Huaqing Hot Springs is a region where baths with medicinal thermal waters have existed for 14 centuries.
  • Two centuries before the onset of a new era, China was ruled by Qin Shihuang, who decided to make his afterlife as comfortable as possible. The famous Terracotta Army in Xi'an features 8,000 unique clay warrior sculptures, each with its own personality. The complex of the tomb of the Chinese emperor belongs to the modern list of wonders of the world.
  • The nature reserves in Sichuan are home to hundreds of rare plant and animal species. A giant panda is found here, and a walk through the gorges in Huanglong Park will be remembered for a long time by lovers of taking pictures of stunning natural landscapes.
  • The garrison city of Xining is the Great Mosque and Temple of the North Mountain, Qinghai Lake and the Kubum monastery complex. For many years, being torn off from a large civilization, this city has retained a special uniqueness and originality, even by Chinese standards.

House of Buddha

Tibet, which turned out to be a result of political turmoil in the PRC, is the land of clouds, high mountains and the place where Buddha lived. Thousands of pilgrims from all over the world flock here to see the sacred Potala Palace and touch the prayer drums with mantras carved on them.
