Taxi in Germany

Taxi in Germany
Taxi in Germany
photo: Taxi in Germany
photo: Taxi in Germany

Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Cologne are on the list of the most popular German cities among tourists with a rich cultural and historical heritage. Travelers are usually surprised at the ability of local residents to calculate everything accurately, to take their duties with full responsibility, especially in relation to guests of the country, so a taxi in Germany works exactly like clockwork.

Price policy

In Germany, there is no single tariff that is valid for the entire country. But there is also no big difference between the cost of a kilometer in the German outback and in the capital.

Somewhere in Brandenburg, you can ride around the city with a breeze, paying less than 1 EUR per kilometer. On the other hand, in Bavaria, which hosts guests so often, the fare of 3 EUR does not seem high to anyone. In most cities, taxi drivers adhere to the golden mean - 1.5 EUR.

There is one more secret, the high cost refers to the first kilometer, if the trip is longer, then the cost decreases already on the second kilometer.

Who is right?

Sometimes there are cases when the taxi driver refuses to take the client. The reason for the refusal cannot be a short distance that a passenger needs to travel or an impressive baggage. The reasons are usually more significant - a threat to the life or health of the driver, or the client's insolvency, expressed in an explicit form.

A friend of a person, or rather a passenger, a dog can also become a reason for refusal of a taxi driver, like dirty clothes, a person's drunken state. True, in special cases, when very funny events with abundant libations are held in any German city, taxi drivers will not refuse to make money on drunk citizens, treating them quite tolerantly.

There is also a rule in favor of the passenger, who has the right to choose which car to drive. If the first taxi does not satisfy him in any way, he has the right to refuse and go on the next one.

Taxi phone numbers in Germany

  • Taxi Deutschland 22-456
  • Taxi Berlin 479-811
  • Go Taxi 479-803

About a drop of nicotine that kills a passenger

Another rule concerns smoking while driving. More recently, a taxi was rated by a potential customer in terms of the ability to smoke or not smoke in the cabin. Now a general ban has been introduced, so working taxi drivers had to give up their bad habit, like passengers, however, only for the duration of the trip.
