Features of Portugal

Features of Portugal
Features of Portugal
photo: Features of Portugal
photo: Features of Portugal

The westernmost tip of Europe was once a launching pad for sailing tourists looking for their way to India. It should be noted that the national characteristics of Portugal were formed thanks to the various peoples who lived in these territories. Therefore, the traditions and culture of northern and southern Portugal are quite different from each other.

Portuguese national costume

Each region of Portugal is ready to present its traditional costume for men and women, and the specialist will be able to determine exactly which area it belongs to. Women's traditional clothing includes the following elements:

  • plaid or striped skirt;
  • a snow-white blouse with a mandatory long sleeve;
  • an apron with bright patterns.

For men, this is a shirt tied with a belt, a vest is put on over it, short pants with leggings.

Faith and religion

Most of the indigenous Portuguese are ardent supporters of the Catholic faith, so the crucifixion or images of saints can very often be seen not only in a private house, but also in public places, even in a cafe or just on the facade of a house.

A reverent attitude towards Catholic holidays is a characteristic feature of the inhabitants of this country. It is in Portugal that not only Easter is distinguished, but also Good Friday, as well as the feast of the Holy Corpus Christi. In addition, many saints are venerated in this country, each of them also has their own special day of remembrance. In February or March, Carnival Tuesday is held, a time of insane fun, although in fact the holiday lasts for several days.

On holidays, the Portuguese have fun, conduct traditional rituals and ceremonies, organize musical performances and folk dances, and the sky is painted with thousands of fireworks. Temples are necessarily decorated with flowers.

In addition to Catholics, there are supporters of other religions in this country, for example, Orthodox, Jews, Protestants, people of other confessions.

Good neighbors

There is one peculiarity of the Portuguese, which is better for a tourist to remember. The local population cannot be compared with the Spaniards, they will be offended. They treat their neighbors on a geographical map positively, but they do not accept comparisons.

Despite the fact that Spanish and Portuguese are close, they have many common words, you should not try to speak Spanish with the indigenous people of the westernmost European country, it is better to use English.
