Traditions of Kazakhstan

Traditions of Kazakhstan
Traditions of Kazakhstan
photo: Traditions of Kazakhstan
photo: Traditions of Kazakhstan

The culture of Kazakhstan reflects the most ancient customs of the peoples who inhabited its endless expanses. The nomadic way of life of the ancestors of modern Kazakhs, their way of life and habits underlie every tradition of Kazakhstan, which is lovingly preserved and passed from father to son.

Guests on the doorstep

Generosity and hospitality are in the blood of the Kazakhs and it is for the guests that the most delicious and valuable are reserved here. According to the ancient tradition of Kazakhstan, even a casual traveler should be received in the house with honor and cordiality. Guests are seated in the best place and treated to kumis or ayran while the hostess sets the table. In the modern state, the old customs have changed somewhat, but the hospitality is still at its best.

Once in a Kazakh house, one should be prepared for the guest to become the center of attention. In the old days, for example, there was a tradition to ask a traveler to play a musical instrument or sing. The test of art brought an indispensable revival to the usual feast.

Help another

The inhabitants of Kazakhstan have many customs associated with mutual assistance. For example, according to an old tradition called asar, any family can call friends or relatives for help if they need to do hard work. At the end, a generously covered dastarkhan awaits all participants.

Another long-standing tradition of Kazakhstan, "zhylu", is a guarantee that in the event of a natural disaster or other tragedy, the affected family will receive moral and material assistance from relatives and neighbors.

The new settlers arriving in the aul were not left alone with their problems and in their honor the "erulik" holiday was arranged. Old-timers helped the newcomers to stock up on firewood, brought drinking water and introduced them to every inhabitant of the aul.

Useful little things

Going on a trip around the country, you should get acquainted with some traditions of Kazakhstan, which will help you get to know the locals better and travel with great comfort:

  • When you receive an invitation to visit, accept it. Refusal can offend hospitable Kazakhs, and at a laid table you can negotiate cooperation with them several times faster than in a meeting room in an office.
  • When choosing gifts for loved ones and friends, pay attention to white silver jewelry. Made in the traditions of Kazakhstan, they are able to decorate any outfit and emphasize the bright individuality of their owner.
