North of Turkey

North of Turkey
North of Turkey
photo: North of Turkey
photo: North of Turkey

The northern coast of Turkey is washed by the Black Sea. There are many great holiday destinations along the coast, but the north of Turkey is not as popular with tourists as the west and south. The Asian part of the country has access to the Black Sea. It also borders with Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan and other countries.

Major cities in northern Turkey


The Pontine Mountains surround the port and mining town of Zongulak. It is connected with Ankara by a railway. There are beaches in the city, and beyond it there are forests and mountains. Sights of Zongulak - mosques and historical monuments. The small town of Sinop is located on Cape Injeburun. It was founded by the Greeks in the 7th century BC. NS. The Battle of Sinop took place near this city in 1853. The famous city of Turkey is Trabzon (Trebizond). It is a Black Sea port with many attractions. The most attractive holiday destinations on the northern coast of Turkey are Amasra, Samsun, Abana, etc.

The Turkish coast is different from the Russian Black Sea region. The low popularity of these resorts is due to the fact that the Turkish authorities have invested a lot in the development of Mediterranean resorts. Therefore, travelers tend to mainly go there. The indigenous population of the country prefers to rest on the northern coast of the country. The Turkish Black Sea coast has rich natural resources. In addition, there are many historical sites.

The nature of the northern regions of the country

Turkey is covered with plateaus and mountains. Here vertical zoning of landscapes is expressed and a variety of plants is present. On the territory of the country, snowy mountain peaks are interspersed with gorges, fertile plains and arid highlands. In the coastal region, the territory is covered with subtropical vegetation.

Climatic conditions

The north of Turkey is located in a zone where the temperate climate becomes subtropical. The Black Sea coast is the wettest region, especially in the northeast. It is cooler here than in other parts of the country. In summer, the temperature varies between +16 - 32 degrees. Winter temperatures often reach +6 degrees and below. Precipitation is evenly distributed over the seasons. Long and heavy showers occur. The lands west of Amasra are located in a Mediterranean dry climate. In the central part of the coast, cold winds blowing from the north often occur in winter. The most extreme territory in the north of Turkey or Paphlagonia is characterized by harsh climatic conditions. The proximity of the Black Sea has a softening effect on the climate.
