Treatment in Spain

Treatment in Spain
Treatment in Spain
photo: Treatment in Spain
photo: Treatment in Spain

In Spain, tourists are usually interested in two directions - a beach vacation and a luxurious excursion. However, in recent years, the wine and gastronomic direction has begun to excite the Russian traveler, but medical tourism in Spanish is still undeservedly in the shadows. The government of the country is not too eager to develop a health-improving direction in the tourism sector, although it has something to boast about in front of its neighbors: the local health care system, according to WHO, is in seventh place in the world ranking. This is the reason for the increasing popularity of treatment in Spain among residents of the UK, for example, and the British can rarely trust anyone to take care of their own health.

Important rules

Any Spanish doctor spends at least seven years on general medical education, but his efforts do not end there. The next step is several years of specialized practice, according to the results of which the doctor receives the licenses and certificates necessary for his work.

For the needs of foreign patients, several private and public clinics have been opened in the country, where English-speaking doctors work, and the work criteria fully comply with all European standards.

How do they help here?

The main clinics designed to treat foreigners in Spain are located in Madrid and Barcelona. A preliminary agreement on consultation and treatment is desirable and easy to obtain on the hospital websites. Travel agencies in Russia can assist in purchasing a tour for treatment in Spain.

Methods and achievements

Spanish doctors have achieved particular success in the fields of obstetrics, gynecology and cardiology. Russian citizens prefer to do ophthalmic surgeries here and treat infertility, consult with cardiologists and perform orthopedic manipulations.

Issue price

The cost of medical services in the country is slightly lower than in Germany or Israel and significantly cheaper than those in the United States. In addition, hotels in Spain differ in the low cost of accommodation and meals, and therefore even long-term treatment will be much more profitable than in other European countries.

It is worth noting that the nursing staff in Spanish clinics does not provide the entire range of care services, and therefore for a seriously ill patient, you will either have to hire a nurse or help him on his own. A relative's presence around the clock is allowed in all local health facilities.
