Areas of China

Areas of China
Areas of China
photo: Areas of China
photo: Areas of China

The third in the world in terms of area and the first in terms of population is the modern People's Republic of China. Reaching new heights in economic development every year, this world power has its own system of administrative-territorial division, which includes 22 provinces, 5 autonomous regions and four megalopolises of central subordination. Three regions of China that are not included in the concept of "mainland China" have a slightly different status - Macau, Taiwan and Hong Kong coexist with the rest on special conditions.

Most of the regions of China were formed during the ancient Ming, Qing and Yuan dynasties, when borders were set not by respect for cultural or linguistic traditions, but only by political considerations. And yet the stereotype of a resident of a certain region of China has been sufficiently formed over the centuries and is quite recognizable among others.

Repeating the alphabet

Shaanxi Province is the heart of mainland China. Its administrative center Xi'an is a city with a rich history spanning three millennia. 1200 to 700 BC Xi'an was the largest city on the planet, and today it is one of the historical and cultural centers of the Middle Kingdom.

Harbin in the Heilongjiang province is the northeast of the country, and it is of interest to the Russian traveler because it was founded by Russian builders as a railway station on the Transmanchzhur Mainline.

Guangzhou is a huge metropolis in the south of the country, which is the capital of the Guangdong region of China. Its past status as a port, from where the maritime Silk Road began, allowed Guangzhou to be included in the list of historical cities of the Celestial Empire.

Chinese Hawaii

It is this unofficial nickname that the region of China, located on the island of Hainan, has. In recent years, this province has become a Mecca for Russian tourists who want to relax in comfort on the beaches of the South China Sea. The island became part of the Celestial Empire during the reign of the Han dynasty, and today a modern industry of recreation and entertainment for tourists has been created here.

Where should gourmets fly?

Celestial cuisine is a very controversial concept and experts distinguish several of its main types:

  • The menu of restaurants in the Sichuan region of China is dominated by spicy dishes, the ingredients of which are skillfully cut, and their original taste is preserved to the maximum.
  • Shandong province has the most unusual menu, and the main dish is swallow's nests.
  • In Henan, all food is unusually colorful and cooked with a lot of oil.
  • Fujian chefs prefer to compose sweet sauces and salads from fresh vegetables.
