Tours to Cologne

Tours to Cologne
Tours to Cologne
photo: Tours in Cologne
photo: Tours in Cologne

The fourth largest city in Germany is located in the very west of the country and is famous for its medieval cathedral and the fact that it was here that the cologne - "water-from-Cologne" was invented. More than a million people consider the city their home, and tours to Cologne every year become a great way for tens of thousands of travelers to spend their Christmas holidays, summer vacations or just a long weekend.

History with geography

Cologne is located in the lower reaches of one of the largest European rivers, and the Rhine largely determines its life. In addition, coal deposits on the outskirts of the city allowed it to become one of the most important industrial centers in Europe.

The ancient Celts settled on these lands fifty centuries ago, but the first permanent settlement was founded by the commander of the Emperor Augustus Agrippa shortly before the beginning of a new era. The Middle Ages brought the city the status of an archbishopric, and in the 9th century the construction of the first Cologne cathedral began, and then - military fortifications, many of which can be seen during excursions by participants of tours to Cologne.

During its rich history, the city has experienced many ups and downs, periods of glory and oblivion, to eventually become one of the largest and most prosperous cities in the Old World.

Briefly about the important

  • The easiest way to get to Cologne is to take a direct flight from the capital of Russia. Travel time will not be more than three hours. The international airport is located halfway between Cologne and Bonn and serves the guests of these two cities. It takes about half an hour to get from the terminal to the center by electric train.
  • Fans of ground transportation can take advantage of the bus or train connections. Train stations in Cologne accept trains and buses from other German cities and European capitals.
  • The climate provides the participants of tours to Cologne with rather changeable weather according to the seasons. Here, a warm summer is pronounced, when thermometers record a stable +25, and a cool winter with night temperatures reaching 0 degrees.
  • Travel by public transport during tours to Cologne can be carried out with one ticket and on the tram, and on the bus, and on the subway. Travel documents are sold in orange kiosks at bus stops and must be composted at the entrance to the vehicle.
  • Parking in the city is quite expensive, and therefore renting a car during tours to Cologne is a thankless task. The situation is aggravated by the fact that rented cars cannot be driven on many central streets. There are impressive fines for violation.
