Tourism in the UK

Tourism in the UK
Tourism in the UK
photo: Tourism in the UK
photo: Tourism in the UK

The oldest kingdom in Europe loses to its neighbors in terms of the number of tourists, who are deterred by London's eternal smog and frequent rain. However, those who have overcome the fear of wet weather and crossed the English Channel discover the most beautiful cities with their wealth of monuments, architectural complexes, places of worship, first of all, great London.

Lovers of rural idyll discover magnificent countryside landscapes, heather thickets and oak groves, tranquility and grandeur of medieval castles. Tourism in Great Britain is aimed at satisfying all the needs and desires of a guest of the country.

Great Britain

Going to this country, each tourist must determine, first of all, where he would like to go, because each of the regions of Great Britain has its own attractions and unique artifacts:

  • England with its medieval castles, unshakable traditions and London;
  • Scotland, surprising with kilts (plaid men's skirts), the sounds of bagpipes and the blue of local lakes, in one of which the Loch Ness monster is hiding;
  • stunningly beautiful Wales, the kingdom of castles and fortresses;
  • Northern Ireland - a rustic getaway set in idyllic landscapes.

Tourists who come to this country for the first time often stay in London, making excursions around its environs. Travelers in love with English fields and forests explore new corners with each visit.

London program

While on vacation in the capital, each guest makes his own route of acquaintance. Someone likes the world famous monuments and symbols of London. Someone opens little-known pages of the ancient city and its famous inhabitants.

But few people refuse the opportunity to see the city from the second floor of the famous red bus. Many people prefer to open literary London - to find places in the city associated with the lives of Charles Dickens and Daniel Defoe, Jane Austen and William Thackeray. The famous Baker Street with the lodge of the great detective and literary hero Arthur Conan Doyle is also on the list of must-see places.

Oatmeal, sir

The cliche imposed by the popular film about the paucity of English cuisine, perhaps, scares away tourists. Daring travelers and oatmeal lovers will be surprised by the richness of local culinary recipes. In addition, today in London it is not a problem to taste the national dishes of different countries and peoples.
