Solomon islands

Solomon islands
Solomon islands
photo: Solomon Islands
photo: Solomon Islands

The state of the Solomon Islands is located in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean, east of New Guinea. It is spread over the archipelago of the same name and on other groups of islands. In total, the country has 992 islands. Their total area is approximately 28,450 km2. sq. The Solomon Islands has a varied topography. There are active and dormant volcanoes, coral reefs, hot springs, rivers, etc. Active volcanoes are Bagana and Balbi. The Solomon Islands is located in a seismically hazardous area. Earthquakes periodically occur there, which provoke tsunamis. The last significant earthquake occurred in 2011.

The largest islands are Bougainville, Malaita, Isabel and others. The city of Honiara on the island of Guadalcanal is considered the capital of the state. It stands out as a special Capital Territory. There are nine provinces in the state. Previously, the Solomon Islands was considered an overseas British possession. The state gained independence in 1978. Its head is Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain. The Governor-General represents the British monarch on the islands.

Climate characteristic

The Solomon Islands are located in the subequatorial climate zone. Wet and hot weather prevails here. All year round, the air temperature does not drop below +24 degrees. More than 2300 mm falls on the islands. precipitation per year. It gets a little cooler in mid-spring when the southeast trade winds blow. Relatively dry weather lasts until November. In winter, the islands are affected by the northwest monsoons, which bring heavy rains with them. During this period of the year, the humidity in the country reaches 90%.

The nature of the islands

Almost the entire territory of the island state is covered with evergreens. Ficuses and palms stand out among them. The shores are covered with mangrove forests, and savannahs are spread in dry places. Many interesting representatives of the fauna live here: crocodiles, bats, lizards, etc. Of the birds, parrots and wild pigeons are present in large numbers. In total, over 170 species of birds live in the country. There are populations of large butterflies, giant frogs, lizards, rats and snakes.

The most attractive destination for tourists is the underwater world of the Solomon Islands. In the depths of the sea, coral formations, sunken ships and crashed planes are hidden.

Inhabitants of coastal areas are dolphins, sharks, barracudas, tuna and others. The Solomon Islands is an excellent place for diving and fishing. The bottom has a complex relief, represented by caves, grottoes and walls. All these natural formations are of interest to diving enthusiasts.
