In May, the climatic situation in Thailand begins to deteriorate actively, and it becomes extremely difficult to predict weather conditions. So what features can be noted?
Thailand weather in May

May is characterized by temperature extremes. During the day, the air can warm up to + 30C and above. In Phitsanulk and Chiang Mai, the air can be warmed up to + 35… 36C, and in the evening it can be cooled to + 24C. On Koh Samui and Pattaya on some days the temperature can reach + 40C.
Bangkok has the lowest rainfall compared to other regions in Thailand. This can be explained by the fact that monsoons dominate uncertainly. In numerical terms, you can expect about 13 rainy days. The same applies to Pattaya. In the resorts of the Gulf of Thailand, there may be 17 rainy days, in Krabi and in Phuket - 19. High humidity levels have a serious impact on the well-being of people.
Weather forecast for cities and resorts in Thailand in May
Holidays and festivals in Thailand in May
There are different holidays in May. So, what can be the cultural leisure of tourists?
- On the 5th, festive events dedicated to Coronation Day are held. The most significant events affect the capital of Thailand, where it is customary to arrange a military parade and fireworks.
- In May, Bangkok celebrates the First Furrow Festival, which symbolizes the beginning of sowing operations.
- All settlements in Thailand are affected by Visakha Bucha (fifteenth day of the fourth lunar month). This holiday is a tribute to Buddha. In terms of significance and essence, Visakhu Buchi can be compared with Christmas, Easter. All believers take part in religious ceremonies and candle processions held near ancient temples.
- In Chiang Mai, the Fruit Festival is held, which is timed to coincide with the collection of lychee. Every person who decides on a vacation in Thailand in May gets the opportunity to spend time interestingly. The program of the Fruit Festival includes dances, concerts of musical groups, a beauty contest, and fruit tasting.
- In Yasothon, many people come to the rocket festival known as Bun Bang Fai. During the holiday, it is customary to launch rockets made of bamboo and gunpowder into the sky. The program includes theatrical performances and tastings.
Thailand travel prices in May
Tourists are reluctant to travel to Thailand in May, so prices are 40-50% cheaper compared to high season.