Prices in France

Prices in France
Prices in France
photo: Prices in France
photo: Prices in France

Prices in France are high (on average, they are comparable to Western European ones): in large cities, prices are higher than in rural areas. As for Paris, prices are among the most expensive in the world.

Shopping and souvenirs

Arriving for shopping in France during the sales period (January - February, June - July), you can save up to 80% of the original cost of the goods (you will have the opportunity to purchase items from French brands - Pierre Cardin, Chanel, Cristian Dior, Louis Vuitton, Lanvin). If you come to the country outside the sales period, go to the outlets - here they sell things from past collections all year round with significant discounts.

What to bring from France as a souvenir

  • cosmetics and perfumery, fashionable clothes and accessories, photo frames with the symbols of the country, paintings depicting views of Paris and other cities, a statuette of the Eiffel Tower, tapestries;
  • wine, cheese, biscuits in a tin box, provencal herbs.

In France, you can buy perfumes from 20 euros, Dijon mustard - from 3 euros / bank, Provencal herbs - from 1.5 euros, classic felt beret - from 50 euros, cicadas (symbol of the Cote d'Azur) - from 1 euro, candied violets - from 5 euros, wine - 5-10 euros / bottle.

Excursions and entertainment

On a sightseeing tour of Marseille, you can visit the Old Port, go on a trip on a tourist train that will take you to the highest point of Marseille - the Basilica of Notre Dame de la Garde (from here you will see the forts, the Bay of Marseille, the castle of Monte Christo). This tour costs approximately 18 euros.

You should definitely go on an excursion to Saint-Malo: in the "city of corsairs" you can walk along the streets where there is a "corsair's pharmacy", a "corsair's hairdresser's", a cafe serving "corsair's" pancakes. In addition, you will be able to see the Château-Gaillard (with a historical museum). The approximate cost of the excursion is 24 euros.

If you wish, you can take a boat in Paris to take a romantic walk along the Seine: on it you will sail to the Ile de la Cité and Saint Louis, past the Louvre, the Musée d'Orsay. As for the destination, it will be the Eiffel Tower. The approximate cost of the walk is 12 euros. You can visit the Eiffel Tower for 16 euros. It is best to head here in the evening to admire Paris at night from a height of 300 meters.


One ticket for all types of public transport (tram, bus, metro) in Paris costs 1.7 euros (10 tickets cost 12 euros). If you decide to travel around French cities by taxi, then you will pay 2.3 euros + 0, 8-1, 3 euros for landing for each kilometer of run.

At the most conservative estimates, on vacation in France, you will need 50-60 euros per day for 1 person (accommodation in a hostel, meals in inexpensive cafes, travel by public transport).
