The population of Libya is over 6 million people.
National composition:
- Arabs (90%);
- other peoples (Berbers, Tuaregs, Hausa, Tubu).
88% of the population live in cities - Tripoli and Benghazi. Arabs mainly inhabit the central part of the Arabian Peninsula, Berbers - southwest of Tripolitania, Circassians - Tripoli and other large cities, Tuaregs - Fezzan. In addition, Greeks, Turks, Italians, and Maltese live in Libya.
The average population density is 2-3 people per 1 sq. km. For the northern regions of Cyrenaica and Tripolitania, the population density is characteristic - 50 people per 1 sq. Km, while the rest of the territory per 1 sq. Km is home to less than 1 person.
The official language is Arabic, but English and Italian are common in large cities.
Major cities: Tripoli, Benghazi, El-Bayda, Misurata, Tobruk, Sebha, Beni Walid, Ez-Zawiya.
The overwhelming majority of Libyan residents (87%) are Muslims (Sunnis), the rest are Catholic and Christian.
Life span
On average, Libyan residents live up to 77 years.
Libya has relatively low infant and child mortality rates. It is worth noting that at the birth of a child, the state transfers 5,000 euros to his account, and the newlyweds receive $ 60,000 from the government for the arrangement for the wedding.
Libya is the most sober country: people are imprisoned for drinking alcohol for a period of 5 years. In addition, there are no beggars on the streets: the country's population belongs to the middle class.
Traditions and customs of the inhabitants of Libya
Libyans are conservative people, in many respects this relates to family life: here the main role is given to religious and patriarchal traditions.
The lot of women in Libya is to take care of family and children, so they very rarely leave home. But today networks of women's organizations are being created for them, where women master literacy, traditional crafts (carpet weaving), learn about sanitary and hygienic standards, how to properly care for children, etc.
As for wedding traditions, the bridegroom's mother makes a marriage proposal to the bride in Libya, having come to her house with her next of kin. The engagement takes place in the bride's house: relatives, neighbors and girlfriends of the groom's mother come to her with gifts - perfumes, jewelry, clothes, sweets. And the Libyan wedding itself is accompanied by theatrical performances - it is customary to dance, sing, and conduct various colorful rituals here.
If you are going to Libya, take out full health insurance, bring your own first-aid kit from home and drink only bottled water in the country of temporary residence.