The population of Japan is over 125 million.
National composition:
• Japanese (98%);
• Koreans, Chinese and other nations (2%).
Major cities: Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Yokohama, Nagoya, Kawasaki.
The official language of Japan is Japanese.
Japan has a high population density - more than 330 people live per 1 km2.
Japan is inhabited mainly by Japanese - very few foreigners live here. As for Europeans and Americans, they do not live in Japan on a permanent basis. According to statistics, several tens of thousands of people come to work in Japan from the West, but after about a few years they return to their homeland.
The indigenous inhabitants are the Ainu and there are few of them left - only 20-30 thousand in the whole country (some of them were able to preserve their culture and language, and live in isolated settlements).
Life span
Men in Japan live on average 78 years, while women live 85 years.
The Japanese owe their high life expectancy to a healthy diet, which is based on fruits and seafood, and a developed health care system.
In addition, the Japanese are strict about their health in comparison with people living in other countries: among the Japanese, there is an extremely low level of obesity (only 3.5% of the population have problems with being overweight, while in the United States this figure is 34 %).
As for alcoholic beverages, the Japanese consume them 3 times less than, for example, Russians.
Japan is famous for centenarians (100 years and older), who mainly live on the islands of Kyushu and Okinawa - and all thanks to a simple diet of fish, rice, fruits and vegetables.
Japanese traditions and customs
The Japanese honor traditions and do not forget about ancient holidays. They celebrate both family and children's holidays and large national celebrations (participants in the process wear samurai outfits).
The Japanese are sure that crying babies can drive away evil spirits and help a child develop properly. In this regard, the Crying Children Festival is held annually in Japan.
The essence of the holiday: sumo wrestlers must take children in their arms and make them cry. The victory will be won by the wrestler whose child cries faster and loudest.
Residents of Japan know that animals help calm the nervous system, and since it is forbidden to have pets in the apartments of large cities, the Japanese have found a way out - they visit “cat cafes” where you can play and cuddle, for example, kittens (hourly payment).
Going on vacation to Japan? Please note that smoking is not allowed in public areas.