Description of the attraction
In the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia, there is a national museum dedicated to military history and technology. It was opened on July 4, 1916. This institution is a structural unit of the Ministry of Defense of Bulgaria and is directly subordinate to it.
The Military History Museum is a large-scale exhibition of military equipment, weapons, ammunition, equipment, as well as military materials and photographs. It is located both on the territory of the building on an area of 5 thousand square meters, and in the adjacent park, in the open air (40 thousand square meters). In addition, the museum has a library fund and a computer center, which contains a large number of media files.
The museum has about one million exhibits that reflect the military history of Bulgaria and a number of European countries. These are various types of weapons, and military uniforms from various historical periods, and all kinds of orders, medals, awards and insignia.
By studying the exposition, visitors can trace the history of the struggle of the people of Bulgaria against the Ottoman rule, as well as study the military past of Bulgaria from ancient times to the present day. The chronological story in the form of thematic exhibitions ends with information about the participation of the Bulgarian army in the UN and NATO peacekeeping missions. All exhibitions are made in their original form, with accompanying pictures and sound effects. All this helps to attract a large number of visitors.
It is curious that not a single state in the world that has ever fought with Bulgaria can boast of having captured the battle banner of its enemy, while 62 such military trophies have been collected in the military history museum of Bulgaria. Of course, the Bulgarian state participated in many wars and did not always emerge victorious from them. However, not a single regimental banner fell into the wrong hands, each was saved thanks to the courage and courage of the Bulgarian sergeants and officers. The battle flags of Bulgaria are also displayed in exhibitions at the museum.
There are 230 samples of aviation and naval equipment and artillery weapons in the open air.
In addition to the permanent expositions, there are also temporary exhibitions on various topics in the halls of the National Museum.