House of Borshchov description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma

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House of Borshchov description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma
House of Borshchov description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma

Video: House of Borshchov description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma

Video: House of Borshchov description and photo - Russia - Golden Ring: Kostroma
Video: Year of Russia - Cities of Russia: Past and Present | Kennesaw State University 2024, October
Borshchov House
Borshchov House

Description of the attraction

On the Susaninskaya square of the city of Kostroma there is one of the most famous old houses - the Borshchov House. This building is an architectural monument dating back to the era of classicism.

The Borshchov estate became the largest among many similar buildings of the first quarter of the 19th century. In addition, the estate was of particular importance from the point of view of urban planning, because it was located in the very center of the city. The construction of the house began in 1824, but the timing of the completion of construction work is not known to this day. The chief architect of the project was N. I. Metlin.

S. S. Borshchov was a lieutenant general - it was this man who owned an old manor house with wooden buildings, which were also located next to Yekaterinoslavskaya (today Susaninskaya) square. In 1918, the general retired, after which he decided to build a stone wing. In 1924, the project of the house was already drawn up by the architect Metlin. It was decided to build a large classicist house.

The building of the Borshchov estate is part of the ensemble of civil architecture of the entire Susaninskaya square, together with the Guardhouse and the Fire Tower. It is located in the depths of the spacious Susaninskaya Square. The building itself is quite large and has an impressive scale, which determines the perception of this building as socially significant. As for the decoration of the building, it is inextricably linked with the Fire Tower, Public Places and the Guardhouse.

The main place in the Borshchov estate is occupied by a massive house, built like a palace mansion, which opens directly onto the square with its main facade. The portico is made in strict proportions and is equipped with Corinthian columns and a massive pediment, which form the appearance of the three-storey area of the house. The side wings are symmetrical, two-story, and their ends are decorated with porticoes. The first floor of the building is surrounded by rustication.

The side facades of the estate are located on Prospekt Mira and are decorated a little differently - they are equipped with four-column porticoes. The main entrance with a lobby is located on the side of Shagova Street, which used to be called Maryinskaya.

There is information that for some time Nicholas I lived in the newly built house with his son Alexander II - the heir to the throne with his tutor. The poet V. A. Zhukovsky when he arrived in Kostroma in 1834.

In 1847, a strong fire broke out in Borshchov's house, after which it was sold in an unrepaired state by the heir to S. S. A. A. Borshchova Pervushin from the village of Alexandrovo. Pervushin completely renovated the estate, and then in 1852 offered to buy out this building of the city administration in order to accommodate Public places; the price of the estate was estimated by Pervushin at 25 thousand silver.

The Kostroma administration decided to buy the house, because it was a lucrative offer, but soon the noble merchant increased the value of the estate, which is why the purchase was postponed indefinitely. The correspondence between the buyer and the seller became more and more protracted, until October 12, 1857 S. S. Lanskoy, the Minister of Internal Affairs, who was the governor of Kostroma during 1830-1832, did not postpone this process. S. S. Lanskoy considered that it would be better to use the required amount for the construction of four new prisons on the territory of the Kostroma province.

On May 19-20, 1913, a large-scale celebration was held dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the accession to the throne of the Romanov dynasty. During these two days, the highest passage was completed, which passed through Susaninskaya Square. At this time, the house of Borshchov was already taking its place on the square, delighting numerous residents of Kostroma.

After the purchase of the estate was canceled, A. A. Pervushin made a decision to set up a rich London hotel in the building. In the middle of 1870, the manor house with adjacent buildings was bought by the city authorities and was soon rebuilt for the needs of the district court.

Currently, the Borshchov estate continues to decorate Susaninskaya Square, being an integral part of the entire architectural ensemble.

