Description of the attraction
Borovichi rapids are rapids that are located on the Msta River, located between the village of Shibotovo and the village of Opechensky Posad near the town of Borovichi. Rapids are rocky or rocky areas with a sharp drop in water in the river bed (as well as the stream), they are formed as a result of erosion of the channel. The name of the river - Msta - is of Finnish origin and is translated into Russian by the word "black". Finno-Ugric tribes lived on the banks of this river (up to the 1st millennium AD), therefore the names of rivers and lakes are of ancient Finnish origin. The Msta River was part of a trade route, it connected two seas - the Caspian and Baltic.
The length of the Borovichi threshold area is 30 km, the total drop of the river is 70 m. The width of the Msta river on the rapids reaches 100 m, and during the flood period the current speed is 20 km / h. More than 50 rapids were formed on the river from limestone. The section of the river, which is located between Poterpelitskaya pier and Opechensky Posad, is the most rapids. The picturesque Mstinsky rapids are considered one of the most popular water tourism destinations in central Russia.
In ancient times, the Msta River was a difficult part of the waterway from the great Volga River to the picturesque Lake Ilmen, the city of Veliky Novgorod, as well as to the city on the Neva - St. Petersburg, and the Mstinsky rapids were crossed by an eyeliner or a roundabout route. The ships through the rapids were led by pilots (rivermen). It was the river workers who made up the majority of the inhabitants who inhabited Borovichi and Opechensky Posad.
"Gornaya Msta" is a nature protection zone with the most dangerous and powerful river rapids. The river froze and dug through the gorge, over time, layers (slabs) of limestone (consisting of particles of extinct animals and river plants) were exposed.
Down the river, starting from Opechensky Posad and up to a village with the name Small Rapid, there are such rapids: "Romshag", "Above the village", "Zagostka". In the village of Maly Rapid, the river rapids "Ryk" begins, it is called so because in the springtime the water here "growls" and boils violently. After the threshold "Roar" begins the dangerous threshold "Three Bulls" (it has another name - "Elm"). Many ships have tested this threshold.
The length of the Small River Rapid is 500 m, the height of the waves on the rapids ranges from 0.5-1 m. From Opechensky Posad, it is located at a distance of 3 km. The slab with a drain is located on the left bank of the river. Behind the Small Rapid, the Big Rapid begins, its length is 1.5 km.
The Ladder threshold lies near the village of Rovnoe. In this river section, the water rolls down like a ladder, in a cascade.
Most of the Semkin Island rapids are under water. Below the ridge, a waterfall boils and foams. Not far from the cliff, the second underground river Poneretka flows into Mstu. This phenomenon can be called a miracle of nature.
The threshold "Against the kilns" got its name because on the sides of the river there were kilns, designed for burning limestone.
At the mouth of the underground river Ponerotka, there are two waterfalls of the Gverstka rapids.
Behind the village of Yogla there is a threshold with the same name. It is considered one of the most dangerous river rapids. Large shafts in the threshold are up to 1.5 m high.
The bottom of the Pechnik rapids is covered with small stones, the rapids extend for 400 m, the water level drop is 1.4 m. This place is considered one of the most beautiful places in Msta.
The length of the noisy threshold “Vyp” following the “Pechnik” is 200 m, the drop in the water level is 1.5 m.
The shafts of the Uglinsky rapids have a height of about 1 m, it is called the last serious river rapids of the Msta.
For the navigation of Russia, the Mstinsky rapids were one of the most impassable rapids.