Semmering railway (Semmeringbahn) description and photos - Austria: Semmering

Semmering railway (Semmeringbahn) description and photos - Austria: Semmering
Semmering railway (Semmeringbahn) description and photos - Austria: Semmering
Semmering Railway
Semmering Railway

Description of the attraction

The Semmering Railway is the world's first railway located in the mountains. It is located in Austria and passes between Gloggnitz and Mürzzuschlag through the Semmering mountain pass, has a very difficult terrain and a significant difference in elevation. It is still functioning and is under the control of the Austrian Federal Railways.

The Semmering Railway was built from 1848 to 1854. About 20 thousand people were involved in the construction. The mountain railway was designed by the architect Karl Gega. The railway runs at an altitude of 985 meters above sea level, in connection with which the structure has 14 tunnels and 16 overpasses (several two-storey ones), more than 100 curved stone bridges and 11 iron bridges. Some of the office buildings and bus stops were built from waste generated during the construction of the tunnels. The total length of the railway is 41 kilometers.

New technologies and methods were used during the construction. In addition, new locomotives have been developed to cope with the turning radius of the railway. The height differences along the entire road are 460 meters, in some sections the slope of the road reaches 2.5%, which is equivalent to a rise of 1 meter per 40 meters of the road.

During the construction of the railway, the architect strove to create not only a high-tech canvas, but also to surround it with a picturesque landscape that would delight the passengers of the train. Currently, ski resorts are located in these parts, competitions are held.

In 1998, the Semmering Railway was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

