Description of the attraction
The house of the Yunusov-Apanaevs is located at the intersection of Gabdulla Tukai and Fatykh Karim streets, in the Old Tatar settlement of Kazan. The house was built by the merchant of the first guild Gubaidulla Yunusov at the beginning of the 19th century. It is a one-storey building, built in the classical style, in the plan forming the letter "G". The Yunusov-Apanaevs' house was part of the estate complex of service and outbuildings. The estate included stables, two-storey warehouses and utility rooms, an outhouse for servants, a bathhouse, a garden and other buildings.
The house was rebuilt several times in 1848, in 1861 and at the end of the 19th century. After some time, the owner of the house, Gubaidulla Yunusov, sold it to the merchant Mukhammadbadretdin Apanaev. After the acquisition, Apanaev reconstructed the building. He opened free health care rooms for the poor in the house he bought. Later in this house there was a polyclinic number 3.
In 1916, the facade of the building of the Yunusov-Apanaev house was changed. It was brought in line with the trends in architecture popular at that time in Russia.
In 1981, a three-story polyclinic building was added to the Yunusov-Apanaevs' house. Its area was 1600 square meters. One side of it is located on Fatikh Karim Street, the other - on Gabdulla Tukay Street.
From 2006 to 2009, restoration was carried out in the Yunusov-Apanaev house. The facade of the building is decorated with new baroque stucco moldings with Arabic monograms. The wrought-iron gates and old oak doors have been restored anew. The lobby of the building has been completely restored. The staircase and sculptures located in the lobby have been restored.
Now there is a day hospital and a trauma center of polyclinic No. 7.