Art Museum V.K. Byalynitskogo-Biruli description and photos - Belarus: Mogilev

Art Museum V.K. Byalynitskogo-Biruli description and photos - Belarus: Mogilev
Art Museum V.K. Byalynitskogo-Biruli description and photos - Belarus: Mogilev

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Art Museum V. K. Byalynitsky-Biruli
Art Museum V. K. Byalynitsky-Biruli

Description of the attraction

Museum V. K. Byalynitsky-Biruli opened in Mogilev in December 1982. The native house in which the artist grew up has not survived, and for this reason, a two-story 17th century mansion, an example of traditional architecture, was chosen for the museum. In 1780, the Austrian Emperor Joseph II lived there and held meetings with Catherine II. For almost a hundred years, until 1917, a meeting of deputies-nobles of Mogilev was held here. After 1918, a public library was set up on the premises. In the 1970s, an incomplete reconstruction was made with the addition of one more floor. after the war, the building was damaged and was not restored.

In 1982, a department of the National Art Museum of Belarus, a museum of the national master-painter Byalynitsky-Biruli was opened here. More than four hundred of the artist's works were in the museum's funds; some of his personal belongings were donated by the widow E. A. Byalynitskaya-Birulya, including brushes, sketchbooks, furniture and a gun, letters by Ilya Repin. A memorial created with these and other items is on the ground floor. The exposition of the museum contains private photographs taken in different periods of life, starting from childhood, captured by significant events and meetings, letters and congratulations, awards. Also presented are diplomas and documents from the period of study and various competitions and exhibitions.

The second floor of the exhibition is dedicated exclusively to the works of V. K. Byalynitsky-Biruli. Most of the canvases belong to the Soviet period of the artist's work. Landscapes of all seasons, sketches and monumental canvases, images of the beloved house-workshop "The Seagull", impressions of traveling in the Arctic and visiting Azovstal are collected in the halls.

The third, attic floor, is used for expositions from the main storehouses of the National Art Museum, exhibitions of works by talented children and masters of the Union of Artists. A bust of Byalynitsky-Biruli is installed in front of the entrance to the museum.
