Description of the attraction
The Church of Xenia of Petersburg is located 14 kilometers from Novorossiysk in the village of Abrau-Dyurso, famous for its winery. The church rises on a rock ledge right above the shore of Lake Abrau.
The parish of the village was restored relatively recently - in 1996, then the service was held in an adapted room, and since 2001, with the assistance and financial assistance of local authorities, sponsors, the administration of the winery, the construction of a brick church began. Construction continued until 2010, in October of which the church was consecrated by the Bishop of Maykop and Adyghe - Tikhon.
The church has a classic cruciform base, a single-domed roof and a high bell tower. And it was built in honor of the Russian saint - Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, who was born in 1720-1730 in Petersburg and took on one of the most difficult church vows - foolishness for Christ's sake, after the sudden death of her husband. He left for another world without Christian repentance. She took the blame for this on herself, distributed all her property and savings to ordinary people, and for many years wandered around St. Petersburg and spoke incomprehensible words. In prayers and repentance, refusing help and earthly blessings, living only at the expense of alms, she never left herself more than a penny, and gave the rest to those in need. After a while, the residents got used to her, offered food and clothing, but she refused everything. The locals believed in her divine gift of insight into the future and good luck. Everyone tried to help her in some way, those to whom Xenia gave something, the merchants and cabbies vied with each other to offer her their services in the hope of luck and miracles came true! She lived for 45 years and was buried at the Smolensk cemetery in St. Petersburg. In 1988, in the year of the millennium of the baptism of Rus, the Orthodox Church canonized Xenia.
The Church of Xenia of Petersburg in Abrau-Dyurso belongs to the Russian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate and has the status of an active one. Now the temple has become a real spiritual center of the village. Every year, on February 6, on the feast day of Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, a solemn service is held, which brings together believers from all over the area. On weekends and holidays, the ringing of bells spreads far over the water surface of the lake, gathering parishioners. And on Sundays after the Liturgy, Sunday school classes for adults and children are held in the church building. There, everyone can receive advice and edification from priests on all life issues, learn the basics of Orthodoxy, and the children are engaged in drawing, music, handicrafts.