Description of the attraction
The famous nature museum is located on the embankment of the Sukhona River in a small house of an old merchant's mansion, once owned by the merchant Usov Grigory Vasilyevich.
The permanent exhibition, which has the same name with the museum, tells about the flora and fauna of the middle taiga zone, as well as about seasonal changes in the natural environment. In the spacious hall, famous works of the famous Moscow taxidermist artist N. K. Nazymov are presented: the raccoon dog is a European new settler, the wood grouses, woodcock sandpipers and the bear family. The rarity of the Museum of Nature deserves special attention, which is represented by a stuffed eagle golden eagle, as well as a huge burl on a birch trunk.
The Museum of Nature is a place for recreation, entertainment and study, where you can visit not only one, but also with friends or with the whole family. The museum offers visitors excursions, ecological holidays, lectures, interactive classes. Younger visitors will be able to familiarize themselves with the proposed exposition with the help of professional guides.
No less interesting and significant exposition of the Museum of Nature is a modern exposition entitled "The Living Past of the Earth". It is here that you can get acquainted with the most interesting science of paleontology, as well as the famous discoveries and finds made in this area on the territory of the adjacent region. At the very beginning of the 20th century, on the banks of the Northern Dvina River, the famous Russian paleontologist and geologist Amalitsky Vladimir Prokhorovich collected a unique and rich collection of animal bones that lived on our planet more than 200 million years ago. The museum exposition features bone shields, teeth and ribs of pareiasaurs, casts of skulls of dinosaurs living in the Perm region and first found on the Veliky Ustyug land. The exhibition presents the bones of ancient animals of the Ice Age: chewing teeth, mammoth bones, tusks, musk ox, bison and hairy rhinoceros skulls.
The Living Past of the Earth is an interesting interactive exhibition. Here, visitors will be invited to assemble a pareiasaurus lizard skeleton model, play interesting cubes and see what animals lived during the Ice Age, as well as put together interesting puzzles in order to find out exactly what the dicynodont looked like. In addition, there is an opportunity to conduct their first excavations and find various fossils and a mammoth tooth.
Another exposition of the museum is the exposition "Russian Birch". Many people know that birch has always been considered a symbolic tree of Russia, but not everyone knows that there is no such tree that is used as fully as birch; its bark, wood, branches, sap, growths, leaves and buds have found application in the inquisitive mind of a truly Russian person. The birch is the very first to grow in the places of forest fires, and then only, under its canopy, the entire spruce forest grows. Birch is ideal for urban landscaping, because it is not only beautiful, but also more resistant to air pollution.
Visitors to the museum will be especially surprised by the huge burl growth on a birch, reaching 2 meters in girth. At various times, craftsmen created amazingly beautiful things from dense birch wood: caskets, vases, burl clocks and smoking pipes.
A special place is reserved for birch bark, because it is on the Veliky Ustyug land that the business of artistic processing of birch bark has been living and progressing for several centuries. In addition to painting and carving, birch bark is also decorated with an embossed ornament. The technique of embossing on birch bark is introduced by a master class entitled "Patterns on birch bark", which works within the framework of this exposition. Literally everyone can get their own unique pattern made with figured stamps, which was perfectly done by the ancient masters.
The master class for children "Lacy Tale" will acquaint with the history of the development of the famous craft, represented by bobbins. Here you will be able to try to weave a ballet at the loom, and children can learn about the life of forest dwellers during the winter season in the interactive lessons dedicated to the New Year tree. Not only children, but also their parents will be incredibly happy about discoveries in the course of classes. Each child will receive bookmarks with forest riddles as a gift.