Baths of Aphrodite description and photos - Cyprus: Lahi

Baths of Aphrodite description and photos - Cyprus: Lahi
Baths of Aphrodite description and photos - Cyprus: Lahi
Bath of Aphrodite
Bath of Aphrodite

Description of the attraction

About 48 kilometers north of Paphos, you can find one of the most romantic places in Cyprus - the Baths of Aphrodite. This magical place is located on the territory of the protected Akamas peninsula.

An ancient legend says that it was there that the goddess of love, youth and beauty Aphrodite loved to take water procedures there after she settled on the island. It was also the meeting place of the beautiful goddess with her beloved Adonis. But Artemis, having learned about the secret relationship between the two lovers, decided to kill Adonis. Locals say that the blood of the murdered young man turned into beautiful roses, and anemones grew from the tears of Aphrodite. The goddess grieved so much for her beloved that Zeus took pity on her and decided that Adonis would return every year for eight months to his beloved, and spend four months in the underworld. This is what has become a symbol of the changing seasons - the wilting and revival of the nature of Cyprus.

The bath is a charming place surrounded by dense thickets. Under a natural overhang of limestone rock is a small semicircular pond with an old fig tree growing on its banks. It is believed that swimming in this pond gives youth and helps to preserve beauty.

Baths of Aphrodite is located very close to the sea coast with a small pebble beach and crystal clear waters. In addition, an open area is located near the baths, from where a charming view of the sea and surroundings opens. You can also walk there along one of two trails named after Aphrodite and Adonis.

