Description of the attraction
Apollo has always been one of the most revered gods of antiquity. In particular, the Cypriots considered Apollo of Hylates the patron saint of forests and their famous city of Kourion, and also believed that he was in charge of the change of seasons and the weather.
Therefore, for the construction of a temple in honor of one of the most beautiful gods, they tried to choose the most beautiful and picturesque place. So, in honor of Apollo of Hilates in about the 7th century BC, not far from Kourion, near present-day Limassol, a large sanctuary was erected on a low hill. Throughout its history, it was rebuilt several times. For example, the buildings, the remains of which we can see now, were built already in the 1st century AD.
One could get to the territory of the sanctuary through the western or eastern gates. In the center was the temple itself, surrounded by rows of cypresses and bushes, which are still found in this place. It was there that the main altar was located. Unfortunately, nothing has survived from it, except for a small podium and stairs leading to it. However, it is known that ordinary people did not have access to it. Those who violated this prohibition were severely punished - they were simply thrown off a cliff.
Many other buildings were located near the temple: rooms where pilgrims lived, baths, outbuildings, and even a gymnasium - a palestra. It was there that sports competitions in honor of Apollo were often held.
Excavations at the site of ancient Kourion, and at the same time this sanctuary, began only at the end of the century before last, and continue to this day. Of particular interest to archaeologists was the discovery of special pits, where pilgrims and local residents dumped their offerings to Apollo of Hilates. Numerous statuettes were found there, as well as animal bones, mainly sheep and lambs.