Description of the attraction
According to legend, the Christian martyrs Felix, Regula and Exuperantis were buried on the site of the present Grossmünster Cathedral. The place of their burial was found by Emperor Charlemagne and ordered to build a church here. The construction of the current temple began in 1090, but continued until the 18th century. Therefore, the architecture of the temple contains many elements of different styles.
During the Reformation, the cathedral became the parish church of Ulrich Zwingli. Here he preached his convictions that run counter to the teachings of the Catholic Church. The interior of the temple is fully consistent with Zwingli's idea - nothing in the temple should distract parishioners from prayers. Frescoes of the 15th-16th centuries have been preserved in the choir. In the crypt, you can see poorly preserved murals with images of Christian martyrs and a statue of Charlemagne.
The church school next to the cathedral became the first school for girls in 1853; today it is the building of the theological faculty of the University.