Description of the attraction
The Royal Police Museum is located in a cluster of metropolitan attractions - next to the bird park and planetarium. As the name suggests, the museum is rather narrowly focused, but it will be of interest to anyone who wants to learn more about the history of Malaysia and its statehood. And also absolutely to all representatives of the stronger sex. Because the exposition of the museum contains equipment and weapons. And, if dad and son, on their way to the bird park, go to this museum, it is highly likely that they will forget about the birds.
This typical Malay building consists of three galleries, clearly named after the military: A, B and C.
Gallery A is the history of the Malaysian police from pre-colonial times to the present day. Documents, photographs, equipment, communication facilities are presented. Police uniforms are displayed on the mannequins. Interestingly, there are many Muslim women serving in the police, and a uniform has been developed for them that meets religious requirements. Also collected are all types of weapons that were used by the servants of order in different periods - from cannons to very valuable asymmetrical daggers.
Gallery B displays exhibits that the police have confiscated at various times from gangs of all kinds, from outright criminal to political. The collection includes weapons used by clans during armed robberies in the seventies of the XX century, items for various purposes confiscated from the triads, means of struggle of secret political societies. The gallery has a large arsenal of "confiscated goods" confiscated in the course of the struggle against the communists. Some very curious things come across among him. For example, an ordinary headscarf, one of those that the communists distributed in the fifties of the last century. If you fold it in certain angles, you get a frankly pornographic picture.
An exhibition of large-scale equipment is located in the courtyard of the museum. Exhibits include: a naval police boat, a Cessna single-engine police aircraft, an armored railcar for patrolling on a railroad, etc.
The museum, founded in 1961, contains thousands of interesting exhibits. Of course, there are sections of the museum that are interesting only for police officers and their family members: ratings, awards and lists of their recipients, various achievements, including sports. But overall, this is a very informative place.